• out of stock

Boost Mobile $300 Prepaid SIM Kit 365-Day 290GB for $230 Delivered @ Lucky Mobile


Limited Stock for Boost Mobile $300 Prepaid SIM $230 Delivered @ Lucky Mobile

If you have any inquiries, please text to 0422970678. Thanks.

The sale finishes on 31 Mar 2025 or until stocks last.

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Lucky Mobile TeleChoice
Lucky Mobile TeleChoice


  • Is this for new users only or is there a recharge code that can be used by existing boost customers?

    • +6

      "new" users
      You can port out to a cheap sim from woolies for 24hrs and port back in

  • +2

    When is the sim expire please?

    • +3


      • +7

        Rep, this gets asked each time so maybe put this info in the original post next time?

  • Will you be adding the special on for the eBay store?

    • +5

      sorry we won't because we have to pay ebay fee there.

  • What date must the sim be activated by?

    • +2


  • Nice to see they give 290gb. I'm on old boost plan with only 170gb 365 days

    • +1

      That was a different price tier, you're talking about the $230 SIM

      • Yes, but for 230 plan I was getting only 170gb, but here 300 plan you are getting 290gb

        • +1

          Yup. And my recharge at the moment showing 240Gb for $300.
          They don't make it easy :(

  • 2 questions:
    1. When is the latest I can activate the SIM?
    2. Is this 4g only or includes 5g too?

    • +1

      With Boost you will have 5G Telstra Retail network

    • +1
      1. Before the SIM expiry date 31/03/2026
      2. It's with Telstra 5G network
      • -1

        Is there any bonus data that I ll lose, as my sim is expiring in June. So I’ll activate in Aug 2025 since i ll have one month on another network as boost requires 30 days away from network to rejoin boost again.

        • -1

          ?? How does that work if the Sim is expiring on the 31st of March?

  • my boost 12 month sim is about to expire, can i buy this and keep my number ?

    • +2

      yes, but if you are with Boost now, you will need to port your number to another carrier for a few days then port it back to Boost

  • Bought one. Thanks OP.

  • +1

    I chose letter with tracking to save on delivery fee. How safe is that and how soon can I expect it (BNE metro)?

    • Don't do letter. Even a risk with tracking.

      These guys are not interested in helping customers post sale.
      Didn't respond on either email address I tried. Didn't pickup calls. Didn't respond via SMS.

      They finally contacted me after I called auspost and I imagine auspost contacted them.

    • Not related to OP. Just vouching for a local business. Just to let you know that these folks here in Adelaide for many years. I normally drive to their shop at 3/85 Grote St Adelaide SA 5000 & pick up myself. Never had any issues.

  • +1

    Got Officeworks to price beat

    • Nice, got a receipt?
      My plan due in May
      Might as well buy it now

      • +2

        Yes and ready to pick up in store. 218.5

        • how did you place the order? I called them and they told me there is no part number listed therefore they cannot price beat.

        • I tried to get price beat on the phone but can not as there is no part number.
          How did you do it?

          • @ttozh: Thats the product code for the sim BO103350.

            • @DReg: The lady on the phone said there is no product code on lucky moblike website

              • @ttozh: Same for me. I said there is a reference to the product on boost website and she insisted that lucky mobile site to display the product code

              • @ttozh: I wasn't asked about a code from lucky mobile. She just asked which site and in couple of minutes cane back saying we can beat it.

        • I also couldn't pricebeat on OW. They said since Luckymobile removed the barcode from their website there's no way for OW to pricebeat

          • @Evan L: Could have been after I posted my comment on OW price beat

    • How did you price match? Over the phone or some other way?

  • Bought one, thanks!
    I had only just ported from Boost to Optus as well, was looking for a good deal to go back to Telstra, perfect timing.

  • I'm a bit confused about these Boost 365-day mobile plans. When you run out, would you be able to switch to the 365GB plan, or do you have to stick with the 290GB plan? Also, would you be able to use it in a 4G modem?

    • +2

      Personally, when we run out on a 365-day Boost plan, we usually grab a cheap 30-day SIM from another provider (like Amaysim or Kogan) just to bridge the gap. Then we port back to Boost as a “new customer” to take advantage of whichever long-expiry deal is better at the time — whether it's the 290GB or 365GB one.

      As for using it in a 4G modem — yes, it works. We’ve used Boost SIMs in Huawei and TP-Link 4G modems without issues. Since Boost runs on the full Telstra network, it’s quite reliable, especially in regional areas.

      Long-term, Boost ≈ Telstra for coverage and stability, so we always end up coming back.

      • Thanks for sharing your knowledge 👌

  • What does SIM expiry date mean? Can i activate it on the 01st of May and would the SIM be active for 12 months. Past the SIM expiry date?

    • The expiry date is the last date the SIM can be activated, ie. at 23:59 on 31 March 2026.

      • +1

        Theoretically, yes. But please try to activate it before the expiry date. Previously some customers had activation issues on the last day.

  • +3

    Says OOS

  • -1

    Boost/Telstra coverage is 🐕 💩 these days, not worth it anymore imo

  • eSIM available with this offer?

  • Oos

  • +3

    Missed out, any chance of more stock coming in?

    • Hi we've just received 50 pcs of the stock, and our website is updated.

  • Hi OP, can you pleas let us know if you see more of this deal?


    • +1

      Hi we've just received 50 pcs of the stock, and our website is updated.

      • Got one, thanks

      • Can I get a couple but pick it up in store? I work just around the corner.

        • Hi, yes, we close at 6pm today.

  • Bought one too

  • Hi, I've ordered and got the order confirmation email. How do I get a tax invoice for this please? Thanks

    • Hi, Can we have your order number pls? We can attach the tax invoice with your item.

      • Thanks I have sent you a PM

  • Update: I clicked the link and it's back in stock

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