Philips Air Purifier 3200 $378
Philips Air Purifier 3000i $399…
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Model comparison:
* 3200 is replacement model for 3000i, its quieter + has less power usage.
* 3000i filter lasts 3 times longer than 3200.
3000i filter: FY3430/30 lasts 3 years ~ $129
3200 filter: FY3200/30 lasts 1 year ~ $149
Note: the phillips website lists the filter information, but filters are sold by resellers not the phillips website. Its unknown how long phillips will provide replacement filters for the 3000i.
If you are planning on using an air purifier all day and care about cost the 3000i is the better of the 2. If you want a really quiet unit or don't plan to run it all day, the 3200 is good.
+1 for the tips. In the market for this.