Samsung 8kg Smart AI Heat Pump Dryer (DV80T5420AB) $1044 + Delivery ($0 C&C/ in-Store) @ JB Hi-Fi


Found someone mentioned choice reward for this heat pump dryer and seems to be on sale. Pretty good price point.

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JB Hi-Fi
JB Hi-Fi


  • +6

    Esatto 8kg roughly 1/2 price OZbargain style FTW!

  • +1

    Intelligent drying
    The AI Dry System uses 8 sensors to continually monitor temperature and humidity levels in the drum and adjust drying time while being gentle on clothes.

    Smart and simplified
    Make laundry day less of a chore by using AI-Pattern for your most preferred or frequently used settings that reflect changes in your lifestyle, usage pattern or seasonality.

    So now they have data on my clothes as well T_T

  • +1

    I've always wanted AI in my clothes dryer!

    • Sounds very intelligent

    • +8

      I bet there is no AI model in the dryer, just a half decent algorithm.

      • +2

        yep, AI is just a buzzword that companies will slap onto anything now.

  • I note it's not wall mountable. Is that a thing with heat pump dryers? Are they heavier than traditional dryers?

    • +1

      Usually designed to stack on to of a front loader. You can even get stands/wedges to put between the two appliances (I don’t know what they’re actually called).

    • +2

      They all weigh more than 40 kg

    • +1

      Yes, they're much heavier

  • +1

    TL;DR: Steer clear of Samsung products due to their poor anti-consumer focused warranty and support process.

    And begin rant:
    In September last year, I purchased a Samsung dryer that arrived late in November and was faulty from new, constantly prompting me to empty the (already empty) water tank every five minutes.

    I submitted a warranty claim in mid-December, but because Christmas, the repair only happened in mid-January where a technician replaced the pump. Unfortunately, this repair did not fix the problem, and the dryer continued to show the same "empty water tank" error.

    Since the dryer was DOA, I requested a replacement. The same technician returned in early February and agreed that a replacement was necessary (he did not replace any parts this time).

    A few days later, Samsung informed me that they would not replace the unit, asserting that the dryer was operating within normal parameters (I suspect this is because their diagnostic tool does not register excessive "empty water tank" alerts and reported all test as pass). They didn't even suggest another repair. I called the company that attended and asked why they didn't request replacement. They assured me that they did.

    I filed another warranty claim with Samsung and also contacted Harvey Norman for a replacement unit. Samsung rejected the claim again, I asked Samsung to review the repair person notes and provide them to me. They wouldn't give them to me because of "privacy" and once again said that the report said the dryer was operating without error. I received a call from Harvey Norman stating that there would be no repairs, replacements, or refunds. Fuming mad.

    I visited Harvey to discuss the issue in person, bringing videos and screenshots of the problem I was encountering. A Samsung representative was contacted and I was told there would be a resolution on the following Monday. Days passed without any updates. Harvey would not replace or refund without Samsung's approval, as they didn't want to wear the cost of Samsung's refusal. While I understand Gerry's precarious situation, I am left with a $1300 useless appliance.

    I reached out to Harvey again and insisted on a full refund and that it was their responsibility to chase it up with Samsung. The whitegoods manager guy agreed but he would need to make a call and get back to me. That call was to the Samsung representative, who initiated a new case for return authority. Once again, it was emphasized by Harvey that no refund would be processed without Samsung's approval.

    This resulted in yet another visit from the same technician, who has to travel over two hours to get to my house. He agreed that the situation was ridiculous and submitted his report to Samsung, noting that while the pump showed a green tick in the diagnostic tool, it made no noise. He also recommended a refund, I watched over his shoulder as he did it and submitted it this time.

    Yesterday, I received a call from Samsung stating they would not provide a refund or replacement but could offer free pump replacement, claiming it was a minor issue. In semi-yelling fashion, I pointed out that it was dead on arrival and also that a minor fault should not take three months to resolve. I very strongly expressed my loss of confidence in the Samsung brand and insisted on a refund through the ACCC. When I requested an escalation, I was told that had already taken place and it was repair or nothing. At this point I may as well have been shouting at a rock. Their customer support system is designed to protect decision-makers from direct contact, leaving customers with no way to communicate with someone who has the authority to issue a replacement or refund.

    • That was really unacceptable from Samsung, but the fault sounded more like a faulty water/moisture sensor than issue with the heat pump.

    • This is why I have never owned, and never will own anything from Samsung. Ever. But it probably doesn't matter as I only have a decade or so to go, lol.

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