Very solid price for an entry level direct drive wheel. Usual price is $1059.60
FANATEC CSL DD Ready2Race Bundle for PC (5 NM) $639.90 + Delivery @ FANATEC

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this one is PC only. You need the right base for playstation compatibility.
Great set. Son got this. Only thing is if you want a clutch. They haven't stocked it for a long time but they want you to buy load cell kit for $250 I believe it was. Clutch is $59.90 if I remember correctly. We got one from marketplace.
Load cell kit is heavily overpriced, but it's also a really major improvement in control.
That said, if I was starting with this kit, I wouldn't get either the load cell or the clutch initially. I'd run with the gear a while to decide if I was going to stick with it is a hobby, and when sure, I'd ditch the fanatec pedal kit and move to a chinese brake rig. I did not do this and went Logi G923 -> Fanatec with load cell -> Race Sim Engineering pedal upgrade kit - all of which was fun to do and makes for a great driving experience, but was not most cost efficient (I was lucky enough to sell the Logi at purchase price, but the rest of the upgrade was not cheap!).
Oh the chinese kits are PC only.
I was looking at one last year, the simjack(?) brand looks pretty good.
I'm pretty sure that was the one I was looking at. Changeover cost ended up being $150 or more higher than using the RSE kit, and my OZB sphincter tightened. (the RSE kit is excellent - I didn't regret it, but if I didn't already have the Fanatec load cell, I'd have gone the other way.)
Yeah they are. Very good though. He had a Logitech before and a shifter he bought with it. Just to people to be aware before getting this and want to get a stick.
Edit: believe he tried a moza i believed it was but wasn't compatible.
Edit: believe he tried a moza i believed it was but wasn't compatible.
On PC or console?
For PC you should be able to mix and match for most modern games. I'm using Fanatec wheel & pedals, VNM shifter and TM handbrake. Worst case is you need to use middleware like vjoy/Emuwheel/Joystick gremlin to get everything up and running.
had fanatec for a few years now. id look elsewhere these days corsair still hasn't showed there competent running the show. but if you all want to be beta testers for old hardware go ahead haha.
Usual price of 1k is bs. 690 is the normal bundle price
@hippo2s ^^
@pineapplepears ^^
Thanks Nom.
Found this review, generally well rated a d indeed good value. Checking my credit card limit ….
Shipping seems to be free. Once GST is added and most people I guess would need to add a desk clamp so ends up being $759.
PC only?