These are ‘Ultimate’ wipes and normally around $18-20 (now $24) mark. So it is really discounted heavily.
Yeah, there are other alternatives which maybe cheaper. But this one, wipes really well and smooth on skin. Not to mention, the consumption of these wipes are way less than other branded wipes (say curash). It’s like this is kitchen towel whereas others are just tissues.
There are other ultimate items for sale as well.
Huggies Ultimate Baby Wipes Nourish and Care 256 Count S&S: $14.49 (non-Prime), $13.68 (Prime)
Huggies Pure Care Nappy Size 6 - 72 Count S&S: $43.67 (non-Prime), $41.24 (Prime)
Huggies Pure Care Nappy Size 5 - 80 Count S&S: $42.92 (non-Prime), $40.54 (Prime)
And More
That’s too expensive to wipe 💩
Here’s 640 for $19