[SUBS] Back to Black (2024) Movie Streaming @ Prime Video


just added at the top of Recently Added section. not available on other streaming services except $6.99 to rent at AppleTV. https://www.justwatch.com/au/movie/back-to-black

it was released last year, but I haven't watched it yet so seems like a new release to me personally.

song writer popstar who over dosed on opioids. starring Marisa Abela as Amy, she was also in Rogue Agent which I liked.

Amy Winehouse biopic tells the story behind the British artist

From humble beginnings in London, Amy Winehouse shot to fame as one of Britain's most successful recording artists of all time. Her music career was marked by deeply personal songs and tumultuous personal relationships that shaped the way she saw, and showed up in the world.

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  • +3

    Surely taking the p155 now with this choice

    • +2

      They tried to make n3ck3ntry8bort0rgasmc stop posting pointless streaming releases, but he said, "No, no, no"

  • I wonder how it ends, no spoilers.

    • You'll never guess the ending.

      • +1

        She gets out of rehab and her life changes for the better?

        • No she goes back to rehab and wonders why why why…

        • You'll have to define "better".

    • she's rocked hard, frozen stiff, rigid, perpendicular, flatter than the yangtze river. 🙏

  • Great artist, ass movie

  • Haven't seen her around for a while, can't wait for her 3rd album

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