Hi. Has anyone been able to secure Ghibli museum tickets from the Japanese website (the one that requires a Japanese phone number)? I tried last week on the international site but was unsuccessful. There is still availability on the Japanese site but again it needs a Japanese phone number for verification. I’ve tried using various online sms verification websites but none of them seem to work with it. Has anyone found a working website for this? Alternatively I arrive in Japan on the 11th of April and plan to go to the museum on the 24th of April. Would the tickets still be available by then because if so I can get a Japanese number at the airport. I appreciate any suggestions.
Ghibli Museum Tickets from Japanese Website

I did it almost 10 years ago though don't recall using a Japanese phone number - they typically only provide data sims for tourists. I'm fairly sure it was this webpage https://l-tike.com/st1/ghibli-en/sitetop.
The tickets are only available the preceding month on the 10th at 10am local time and it is very competitive. Looks like you've missed out on this trip.
Best to go through a reseller next time but will pay at least 200% for the privilege.
The museum is surprisingly small and can breeze through in an hour or two.
The tickets are only available the preceding month on the 10th at 10am local time and it is very competitive. Looks like you've missed out on this trip.
Tickets are still available on the Japanese site which requires a Japanese phone number. It’s so frustrating to have the tickets be right there and not be able to access them, which is why I’m asking for solutions. If I can’t get them I can’t get them but it would be very frustrating to miss out when the tickets are technically available.
which website?
I got curious about this too, and got through to the Japanese Lawson Ticket website. You need to be a Lawson Web member with a Japanese phone number.
https://l-tike.com/search/?lcd=30004There's paths for domestic and international customers, and OP is not a domestic customer.
I appreciate any suggestions.
If you can't get tickets, there are lots of online tours on youtube…
I think its impossible to get these tickets the week you are in japan. Its released 2-3 months in advanced, even then. Its a lottery.
It's pretty much a lottery for EVERYTHING in Japan now. Want to go to one of those themed cafes? 3 months out tickets get released. Want to go to Nintendo Museum? Lottery…
Tickets go on sale on the 10th of the month prior (9 days ago), sadly you've missed the sale date…
Yeah I tried but by the time I got through the queue it was sold out.
Years ago I tried to get tickets as well. Went live at 10am, sold out almost instantly.
The tickets you are seeing might be from resellers who sell at a massive markup
I missed out too but since I was going to be in Japan across two months I got to try again with a few devices at the ready.
Best to go with a travel agency with the mark up to guarantee entry.
search on Reddit - there are some long discussions on this topic
Realistically you need to book most popular things in Japan 3 months in advance. You likely will not be able to wait until you get into Japan and get a phone number to book stuff. Have you looked into Universal Studios, and the Teamlabs sites also? If travelling by train, consider adding a digital Suica card onto each persons phone who is travelling(on apple is an "Express Transit Card"). You can preload some credit using debit cards such as ING orange everyday, but some other cards can have issues being accepted.
Yeah I've booked most other things. This is pretty much the only thing I couldn't get. The tickets being available on the Japanese site is infuriating they're just there taunting me lol.
In 2019 I did have international tickets and the staff at the museum checked all 5 passports at the entrance. I suspect if you try buying japanese tickets, they may ask for some local ID and won't let you in. Weird system.
Apparently all they check is the name, so even if I buy Japanese tickets as long as I have my name it should be fine.
I had no problem getting it. I had account in Lawson ticket for more than 10 years. SMS was not a requirement then. I had my Japan 050 number there. I have purchased Ghibli tickets in the last 2 years and other tickets with no problems. And I choose the paper ticket option. i.e. I pay at Lawson during ticket pick up.
Lucky! Wish that was an option for me. I actually thought I could get a 050 number but they don’t accept 050 numbers unfortunately.
i did this last year in october. it's real and the ticket was included. only the main hall was included but the rest of the park you can access.
https://www.sunrise-tours.jp/en/plan/detail/230SUETJ001CG029…it was great. no it's not the museum. i know
found it: same company with museum ticket
Not me.