The Kobalt mower that Masters cleared for half price has been the best bang for buck mower I've ever used. It's practically indestructible and the batteries have lasted very well… except for the steel deck. I don't think I've ever left it outdoors, but I don't wipe it down or clean it after a mow.
I'm getting holes in mine (see pic). They are not a major issue except they spray the grass clipping around a bit.
I've definitely gotten my money's worth over the last decade, but am trying to be sustainable now. I keep it in the garage to mow the council strip every now and then when the grass grows to mid to near knee height.
How would you patch up the holes for a medium-long term solution? I could duct tape it below and above the hole, but that might only last a few mows, which might require redoing four times a year.
Nasty rusty holes.