Bosch BWA500 Windshield Washer Fluid 500ml $8.84 + Delivery ($0 with Prime/ $59 Spend) @ Amazon AU

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  • Effective windshield cleaner: Reliably removes bugs and road grime on your car's windscreen
  • Safety on the road: This automotive wiper fluid prevents smearing and headlight glare - ensuring clear vision while driving
  • Increased durability: Conditions blades to reduce wear and increase performance for long-lasting use - lubricates blade for quiet wiping
  • Application: The windshield concentrate is easy to apply and safe
  • Scope of delivery: 1 windscreen washer fluid for car windows - concentrate contains 10 shots per bottle
Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.
This is part of Amazon Big Smile Sale for 2025

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  • -1

    Hmm should I return my order from yesterday and get this

    • +4

      That depends, what did you order?

  • +12

    I am in search for any Blinker Fluid deals

    • +3

      We'll go well with my armour stretcher

    • +3

      I think they are next to the left-handed screwdrivers FYI :)

    • When I was little my grandma told me that the indicators had a small amount of fluid used to cancel the indicator when you turned the wheel.

  • Thanks op :)

  • +1

    this is good stuff

  • +1

    Is this much better than Bar's Bugs? Sick of the residue

    • yes, I have swapped to using this over Bars

  • +9

    Another item that Amazon will no longer deliver to my address. Damn it - I think it's time I cancel Prime!

    • +1

      Getting this more and more

    • I think you should cancel.

    • Why is that happening, I am also noticing that items that I had delivered in the past using S&S now will no longer deliver to my address.

      • Something to do with regional areas missing out. I asked Amazon support and they said I should choose an Amazon drop off locker, but they don't exist in my town. 10k population and 30 minutes from a capital city - but screw us I guess.

  • Tbh, the window wiper fluid for me is:

    1. Plain tap water
    2. Plain tap water and a tiny bit of dish soap
    3. "Peerless JAL Window Wash Concentrated Glass Cleaner ($10.49 and makes 100L) from Bunnings.
    • +8

      May not be good for your paint finish

      • -6

        Windows glasses have paint?

        • +1

          You have trained your windscreen glass to not allow the water to run off up over the roof and onto the body?

        • +5

          people have ceramic coat/wax that dish soap will eat through.
          Dish Soap will also leave marks/stains on paint unless properly rinsed off

        • How would you have felt if you didnt have breakfast today?

      • +2

        Just used sandpaper on my "paint finish" to remove the sun exposed flaking paint on my 17 year old car … JAL window wash can't be any worse … :-). But I usually just use water … works … (and much cheaper).

      • water is bad for the paint?

    • -1

      You're better off using just water lmao

    • I find distilled water doesn't leave streaks and works really well. I suppose it's expensive though realistically compared to tap.

  • I just bought this a few days ago for about 14 bux. God damn it!

  • +10

    Price matched with SuperExpensiveAuto and used my $5 credits to bring it down to $3.34

  • +20

    Not that great, you can get yourself 5L here for $30 delivered.

    • -6

      The 5L bottle does not have the word "Concentrate", so it might not be the concentrated version. This 500ml concentrate version can make 5L+ of standard windscreen fluid.

      • +4

        To be fair, it has a huge word CONCENTRATE printed in red, under yellow label. Says 100 shots per bottle, which is the same concentration as in OP’s bottle.

      • +1

        It does say concentrate at least on the image itself

      • +2

        It's the exact same concentrate, I picked up a 5L bottle of it last year. That image is of the old label, you'll get a bottle with the new label.

    • +3

      thanks. Got this instead.
      Rather bulk than more plastic bottles.

    • Will this degrade long term in a cupboard? Like used over many many many years?
      Considering how long a bottle of Bars lasted me…

      • That is a concern eventhough these may not deteriorate over few years.
        May be share with friends and family.
        Use old soda/ Coke bottles ( peel off orginal label) with a PRINTED LABEL.

    • Cheers, got 5l.

    • +2

      • Amazon Deal (500mL): $1.768 per 100mL
      • eBay Deal (5L): $0.6162 per 100mL

  • +1

    Me after buying Bosch kitchen appliances… Oh I also need windscreen fluid..

    Bosch: I got you Fam!

  • im sorry noob question because i guess i normally just get this all checked when i bring my car in for every 10k service but with this one
    1 windscreen washer fluid for car windows - concentrate contains 10 shots per bottle

    how many times would i need to add this in my car? or know when to add it - I assume i should be able to physically look inside the can
    and then this is just what 10ml and then add water?

    • +2

      Your car should give you a warning/notification when your screen liquid is low/run out. When you refill it, just add in some of this stuff too.

      • +4

        This would depend on age/model of the car.
        I know I need to refill when I pull the wash lever and nothing happens………..

        @prankster 50ml is one shot so 50ml product then top with water
        Recommended water use one of; distilled, deionized, and demineralized water if you can as the majority of tap water can have minerals which will affect low water sensors + nozzles.

        • Deionized Water (DI Water) – Ultra-pure, removes almost all minerals and ions. Best for preventing buildup in nozzles and pumps. $$$
        • Distilled Water – Very pure, removes most minerals and impurities through boiling and condensation. $$
        • Demineralized Water – Removes most minerals but may still contain some impurities, depending on the process used. $

        I personally use Tap water as my car is 15 years old and lives outdoors..

        • thanks for the comprehensive reply :)

  • -3

    A little warm soapy water is all you need in this climate

  • Let me get this very straight forward: It is "buy it without question asked" good.

  • Any reason this would not be good for house windows, glass shower screens etc?

    • +2

      Seems overly complex and exy for that. Just use vinegar and soap.

      My tip: I keep one of those decor oil spray bottles full of vinegar in the bathroom. Every now and then I spray the shower glass before I take a shower, have a little break (read reddit on the loo, whatever), then give the door a quick rub down as I get in the shower (have a little sponge squeegee for that) and then just rinse off with the shower. Deep cleaning the shower then becomes so much easier, no hard stuff.

      • +1

        hard stuff in the shower is the worst

        • +1

          can get really messy

        • Nothing a good 'Waffle Stomp' cant fix!

  • Is this also good to dilute in a spray bottle and use for the inside of the windscreen?

  • +1

    I'm pretty sure this costs less at the BMW dealership (BMW branded)


    • that's interesting, if it's just rebranded. Had a quick google and couldn't confirm that this is the same (Bosch) product?

  • +4

    Far better buy in my opinion is the Trico concentrate which I have used for a number of years. Once diluted makes 100L of washer fluid at recommended ratio of 50ml to 1L of water.

    $19.94 + shipping ($0 with prime).…

    • +1

      That's a great price.

      I have this 5L Trico already, from about 3 years back (I think I got it for $26 from memory), and I haven't even used 20% of it either.

      I won't even get the chance to try this Bosch washer fluid, as the Trico is going to be last me a long time :-)

    • Thanks - looks great! bought one

  • +1

    How's this compared to the bug off one?

    I've been wary of using window washing formula on my new car since I noticed the clearcoat/paint faded near the nozzle of my old car. But then again this was a nearly 20 year old car that's used alot of the bug off formula.

    • I use the Trico branded one with distilled water, and I don't have issues with my nozzle, for the last few years now.

      The windscreen looks very clean and the wiper blades get their 'lubrication' from it too.

  • Is this safe on my BMW G20?

  • Give it a try and see if some small scratches from my last ungentle wash go away.

  • Does this fix my blinker fluid levels? I've found that if my blinker fluid levels are low my blinkers don't work.

  • I bought windscreen wiper tablets from Ali.

    It was $11 for 100 tablets.

    I just put the tablet in and fill up the window fluid tank.

    Works good enough. I can recommend.

  • The comments and the prices are getting better, getting out the popcorn!

    Out the Aldo tablets only special buy?

  • voted up. Great deal.
    wished there was some deals on Adblue.. 10L costs a fortune now-a-days !!

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