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Ausclimate 2000W Smart Inverter Metal Panel Heater $59.16 (RRP $499) Delivered @ Amazon AU

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  • Good deal, thanks Narchos

  • +1

    The non-pro versions are cheaper and have wheels if that matters, but no fabric finish.

  • Thanks OP! Ordered one for coming winter. Great price!!

  • +1

    No long available

  • Bit early for heaters :D

    • Doesn't feel like it with the wind chill today in Sydney :)

      • Just feels cold as you are now used to 36degrees from yesterday.

  • +1

    I get it, order first think later.

    But compared to the other 2 rrp and the discount, isnt that wrong rrp for hefty 5xx$ a only 2400w heater? With the extra 400 or 900w and yes the wifi feature!? But really the 3xx$ more?

    • +3

      @ChatGPT please help translate

      • +5

        Gpt reply

        But looking at the other two models and their prices, isn’t the original price way off for a 2400W heater at a hefty $500? An extra 400W or 900W and a WiFi feature really justify a $300+ jump? Feels less like a deal and more like… ads more likely not really a deal? "


  • +1

    2000w…um… better just use the air-conditioning?

  • Oos

  • Do these have fans to push the air?

  • Was about to order the oil heater which was displayed at $17.84.
    When i went to check out, the price in my cart had changed to $209! Lucky I checked.

  • i bought this one - https://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B0CW8FPK2K Interesting on the listing it says model number is - ACPH710 but that's for the 1000W one while the 1500W one is ACPH720 - https://ausclimate.com.au/products/ecosmart-panel-heaters?va…

  • +4

    No way are these actually worth $499.
    The ad copy seems pretty scammy claiming ‘Inverter Energy Technology is 3x more effective than regular heaters’. More effective in what way? It’s still going to give you the same amount of heat per watt as any other electric space heater.

    • +3

      Yeah i purchased but thinking of cancelling. A $15 kmart heater with a fan will outperform this in terms of distributing the heat. I do like the idea of the smart feature though.

      • Aren’t fan heaters expensive to run? I’m not sure if I’m being fed incorrect information but I was told fan heaters use more energy than column heaters. Not sure when it comes to fan v panel

        • +1

          All electric heaters are expensive to run. Without getting into thermodymanics, a fan heater will convert energy to heat close to 100%, So a fan heater will heat up a room much quicker than an oil heater, but an oil heater will retain heat better as it stores its heat in the oil but that conversion isn't as efficient. Assuming same wattage, both will consume the same power.

          Basically a fan heater will heat up a room quicker, a oil filled heater will be able to maintain room temperature more efficiently when up to temp but will take longer to heat up.

          • +1

            @Austrian Oak: thanks for the explanation. My house is poorly insulated so even if the oil one can hold heat for longer - my room won't be able to keep the heat in.

            Im debating whether I should keep the panel one, I also bought the $17.84 column heater, which i'll keep since it's got smart features.

  • +2

    rrp 499??? … $150 rrp tops.

  • +6


    1500W Model $55.92 for anyone interested

    • i dont need one but its tempting lol

      • OzB have ordered at least three of these. I challenge you.

        • I bought 1 - happy 😅

  • Kogan heaters are under $100 if these are similar in quality otherwise good deals.

  • +5

    They keep advertising 'inverter' but I cant find any info about what they mean by that.
    I suspect these are just normal convection panel heaters?

    • +3

      There's not a lot of good reason for using an inverter on resistive heater elements in this application in any case.

    • +2

      Was just wondering that myself. What could it possibly mean for a closed unit like this?

      May as well claim it is an air purifier and dehumidifier too

  • +2

    A cheapos 2000w fan space heater will do the same for heating a room. Scientifically speaking. And faster. Don't have to wait for the oil to heat up and radiate outwards.

    • I really like oil column heaters though. They are a very gentle comfortable heat radiation.

      • I find they are less drying to the skin too

      • Agreed. It's the closest thing to natural heat imo

  • https://amzn.asia/d/8OpltWL
    87% off for this panel heater

  • +8

    RRP $499

    Recommended Rip-off Price

    • +1

      Maybe you are paying for the 10 year warranty they offer

    • +1

      Recommended root me price

  • +1

    Pretty sure this is at RRP, that's a jacked price if i ever saw one.
    Could get an aircon installed for that price.

  • If these are just regular convection panel heaters (with lots of marketing BS) then $50 is about right for regular, non discount price

    • +1

      Looks like it. Inverter technology? What could that possibly mean?

      • Its a magic marketing word?

  • This looks like a convection panel heater - what exactly is it 'inverting' here? I can't fathom what they could mean for a non-heat pump heater.

  • I ordered one but actually went ahead and cancelled the order after thinking about it for a bit. It'd be nice, but electricity is just too much and our house is so poorly insulated. Perhaps if I had unused solar.

    I'm thinking I'll get a heated throw blanket to use. The issue with this is it won't motivate me to get out of bed on a cold morning, or if I'm working at the computer won't fix cold hands.

  • +1

    Kogan ones with app control were about $50-60 previously if I recall correctly. Work well.

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