the standard edition is also on sale for $29.68 (was $89.95) and the premium edition too for $52.48 (was $149.95) which is $7 more than the gold edition and includes 2 weapon skins and a digital artbook for anyone who likes completeness
i bought the premium edition myself and the 2 dlcs that were not included that are both 30% off the soundtrack for $9.76 and the Labor & Science Weapon Skin Pack for $5.24 total $15 extra just for completeness
stay free stay healthy :)
and especially just for the kids both the big overgrown ones like us and also the younger ones too
stay free stay healthy stay magical too :)
I was kinda enjoying this for the first 20 minutes or so, even though I usually hate extended opening scenes where you don’t really do anything. But then the gameplay proper started and, well, it was not good.