[First] Essentials For You 115 Piece Precision Screwdriver Repair Tool Kit $5 Delivered @ Kogan


Kogan Birthday Sale - $5 Collection

Few of them are pretty good for $5 including shipping if you have first


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  • +7

    Congrats on your 1st post.

  • +2
  • +4

    Have practically the same tools from years ago.

    These are VERY cheaply made but does have "that random bit" that you need for your electronics project.

    The triangle bits and U bits in particular were helpful.

  • Nice!
    I got some camping chairs and portable Handheld fans for $5 each.

  • +3

    How many people get caught out and end up paying $129 for first after two weeks.

    • Did that in December last year.
      Trying to make the most of it now haha. Same thing happened with Ebay as well.
      I have now set reminders on my phone lol

      • +1

        It happened to me, then I wrote a message to them, they refunded that subs fee

    • You do get reminder from Kogan that your trail will expires soon

    • Thats why you use a card like wise,where you can create a card just for that purpose, or use an empty debit card.

    • +2

      With Revolut you can create disposable virtual credit cards that expire after one use, so no auto renewal - fits this purpose exactly.

      • Absolutely love this, use them for all subscriptions now 😎

        • +1

          Kogan also creates a recurring payment for some reason if you pay with afterpay so make sure you disable that if you pay with afterpay.

  • +1

    Looks almost the same as another one that was on here which I bought, the screwdriver doesn't seem to have anything to hold the bits though, so kind of have to hold the bit and the driver at the same time until you locate it into the screw, if you pull up it'll fall out.

  • +6

    I just bought 24 items for some reason

    • +1

      ^ this is the way haha

  • -1

    "precision" "essential" and "$5"


    • +2

      please don't spell nah like a serial killer

    • sold out

    • Lol I bought this last time and haven't set it up yet

  • The $5 open ear earbuds apparently are good quality. Bought one to test

    • I prefer getting 2 for the stereo effect ;)

  • +3

    Non-member price: $59.99. LOL…

  • +2

    I got a (not so) suspiciously similar kit as a gift from a family member, purchased from Temu of course, but it's more blue than white.

    It's quite cheap feeling, the bits don't fit particularly snugly into the included screwdriver so they occasionally twist inside the socket from the torque and I have to use another socketed screwdriver to untwist them. The socket end and magnet have also come loose on more than one occasion.

    The bits themselves appear to be a fairly standard size as they fit snugly into my other screwdrivers just fine (e.g. the screwdriver handle included in a Trojan 26-in-1 kit) , so if you buy it as a kit of bits and pieces and ignore the screwdriver handle it's mostly fine. The spudgers have definitely been useful for opening up things like laptops or my Steam Deck from time to time.

  • The fan and pump battery bank combo is under rated. Handy for inflating those large foil balloons or even deflating things like gym balls.
    Fan and light is also good. Almost EDC material


    • Can it do bike tyres?

      • from the photos doesn't look like it has the nozzle for bike tyres.

      • It looks like it uses the standard "pump" connector so a bike tyre attachment should work just fine however I'm not sure if this device can inflate them as it may be too weak.

      • Nah I don't think so. This is more for balls, beach and pool inflatables. It has a fast mode and a slow mode. Presume the slow mode is for sports balls whilst the fast mode is for beach inflatables and foil balloons.

    • I thought this is OP commenting.

  • Thank you for the share. Hope the quality is good.

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