Cold Power Advanced Clean Liquid Laundry Detergent 5.4L $21.25 ($19.12 S&S) + Delivery ($0 with Prime/ $59 Spend) @ Amazon AU

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All time low on Amazon as per CCC.

About this item

Outstanding results in cold water; Effective Stain removal
Its unique cold water enzyme helps remove even stubborn stains
Effective in cold water & short cycle; Greywater & septic safe; Proudly made in Australia
Suitable for front & top loader; Suitable for high efficiency machines
Washing in cold water cycle as often as possible can help to save up to 80% washing machine energy & is therefore better for the planet, whilst being gentler on your clothes; When switching from warm to cold water

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.
This is part of Amazon Big Smile Sale for 2025

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Amazon AU


  • +1

    Awesome! Thanks OP. Got 2

  • +11

    Good spotting op…feel free to add Dynamo Professional 2l $8.99 s&s

    • -1

      Worth a separate post

  • +1

    'Currently unavailable.'

    • Weird, still showing available for me

    • +2

      may be due to postcode restriction by Amazon

      • Yep, just clicked again 'This item cannot be shipped to your selected delivery location. Please choose a different delivery location.'

    • for me it's a postcode thing. even though just before Alfred hit I ordered a new chainsaw chain and it arrived next day.

  • Got one thanks OP

  • does this work in a front loader?

  • +1

    We have stocked up too much already!

  • Damm just bought at Bunnings yesterday because it was a good price $23

    I guess I can return it? Lol

    • I did the exact same thing!
      I I’ll be returning!

    • +8

      To save $2? Or am I missing something?

      • To save nearly $4 plus get cashback for the Amazon purchase

        I live at Bunnings lol so I'll be there again soon no issue to return something

    • did you try for bunning to price match and get extra 10% disc.
      did few time matched with amazon for different items on my local bunnings
      and they approved!

      try your luck he3x

  • +1

    Thank you OP, wife will be happy for this parcel.

    • +1

      Make sure you wrap it.

  • +2

    find it doesn't freshen my clothes that well so recently switched back to OMO after 5 years of coldpower

    • That's a bit of a concern considering this is 5.4lt of Cold Power but OMO just seems to have become so expensive.
      Will try this one out but might end up going back to Dynamo if I have the same experience as yourself.

      • i found the OMO (regular) to be quite strong so i'm using less detergent too, doesn't totally offset but 4L of OMO is like $20 on sale so i don't think it's too bad.

    • Why did you wait 5 years? And how did you figure out OMO worked better?

      • only noticed it since the last 4L buy and it takes me well over a year to finish one

    • I found the liquid coldpower doesn't remove the smells of my exercise clothes… Never had a problem with Cold Power powder, just the liquid..
      The cheapest Aldi powder seems to work better for us in my machine.

  • I'm up to my last CP bottle from previous deals and recently bought an Aldi Trimat Advanced to try. Haven't tried it yet but if its decent I think I'll swap from CP.

    • +1

      Trimat is good, seems hard to find the big bottle at Aldi, only saw the 2 litre last time

      • +1

        yeah i think this 4L was a Special Buy. Just started a wash now …

    • +1

      I was a CP advocate until I tried Aldis Almat powder. I noticed a huge difference in the two and the clean done by the Almat powder was head and shoulders above that of CP. I use both in cold water and am very happy with Almat, the price difference makes it a no brainer also.

      • good to know real-world experience. gonna try it now.

        also Amazon doesn't post this to my postcode even though things from Bris get to me the next day.

      • What dosage are you using with trimat? I find i have to use half the recommended. The scoop is so big.

  • can you s&s then get the first shipment and cancel? to get the s&s price just for one purchase?

    • +1

      Yeah, that's what I do for all the sns stuff I get. Cancel the next day and sorted.

    • +1

      There's even an option for this in the drop down menu for why you are cancelling (to get the initial discount).

  • Thanks OP

  • Decent deal, maybe I'm to simple.. I use the generic Coles, ALDI, Woolies $2 2ltr products 🫧🧼

    • You must be a neat eater. I frequently find stains on my clothes, especially if I’m eating noodles or drinking coffee. Yesterday I dropped some cherries lol The generic stuff usually requires separate spot treatment.

  • What do we consider cold water? 30c

    • Below 30 celsius is cold.

  • +1

    Price matched at Bunnings. They wouldn’t do the SNS price but their price match equaled that. I had the Coles Discounted Bunnings cards to use.

  • How do you guys use a bottle this big? Is it hard to hold when dispensing

    • You always keep it in horizontal position. You don't need to lift the bottle.

  • Good price, but last time we got some of these delivered by Amazon one of the bottles leaked. They come in a bag so nothing actually made a mess outside the box, but taking out of the bag was sticky/messy and obviously some of the detergent was lost.

    • I hope you asked for a refund from Amazon.

    • Any one have stories of them leaking while sitting in the cupboard horizontally?

      That's what I'm a bit hesitant about with this form factor.

  • I don't have prime but shows free delivery.

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