• In 3 days

[PS5, XSX] Assassin's Creed Shadows $79 @ Target


Assassin's Creed Shadows will be $79 at launch on PS5/XSX at Target.


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  • -6

    Guess i'll have to stop shopping at target in 4 days

    • +1

      What did I miss?

      Edit: never mind, I googled it.

    • Why?

  • +5

    Ubisoft hanging on by a thread..

    I think this game will make or break them..

    • +5

      Why do you say that? Just Dance 2026 is coming out soon, with an incredible 171 base songs.

      • +2

        Can't tell if you're joking or not 😂

  • +5

    Can't wait to learn some Japanese history

  • +9

    I went non-buy-nary on this :P

  • +11

    Hard pass.

  • +11

    Lesson learnt on Ubisoft games long ago - almost all end up being $29-$39 within 6 months usually once DLCs are released.

    • +1

      Last Ubisoft game I played was prince of Persia on PS2. What masterpiece.

  • +5

    Complete and utter disinterest on this one.

    Historical Japan has been done a lot (and well) recently by games like Ghost of Tsushima. And not retconned like this one!

    • +9

      Read a book if you want to learn history. This is a computer game.

      • +1

        But it is coming to consoles too

      • You can accept dragons, elves and talking trees, but you can't accept a 2021 BMW 5 Series 530i with optional heated seating. Why are you so bigoted?

      • +1

        Historical accurate game: Ubisoft.

    • Haven't been following it much. Which part is retconned (other than the ancient aliens stuff)?

    • cant wait for Assasins creed : Nanjing

      • Featuring houses with Korean architecture, everyone eating sushi, and the deluxe edition of the game including a clock and a green hat.

  • +11

    Can't wait to play a black guy beating up some Asians

    • Can't wait to play a black guy b eating up some Asians.


    • With a hip pop sound track in the background

  • -8

    Looking forward to these snowflake ozbargain comment sections catching up with reality

    Get a better hobby

  • +4

    this game will be 90% off within 2 weeks 😂

  • +2

    Remember: no preorders!

    • Well, this isn't a pre-order. It's a launch day deal.

      • No launch day deal for me till I check out some independent reviews first.
        Look interesting but unsure if I want to commit.

        • Fair enough, was just trying to highlight that this isn't a preorder.

          I will also be waiting until reviews drop on the 18th to find out more.

    • +2

      What preorder?

      Get comfortable with not owning games

  • Wonder if BigW would price match. Have a giftcard from there

    • +2


      • +1

        Hold.. what?

        Till BigW has it?

        • +4

          price reduction :) these games usually go down significantly and given the game had so many bad reviews on gameplay, I would wait tbh.

  • Hopefully Amazon will price match on the day. I quite enjoyed Valhalla. Looking forward to this one.

  • +2

    Even you want to buy it, maybe wait until its reach below 10…I have high confidence this will be similar to concord lol

  • +2


    Yeah.. nah…

  • +3

    Ubisoft should become comfortable with the idea of not owning their company.

    Hard pass.

  • +1

    This game will be free on Epic after a month LOL

  • This will go the way of Dragon age: Failguard, it will be a free game in a month or two, hodl even if you are thinking about wasting your money on this rubbish.

  • For Xbox users, Ubisoft+ costs $23.95 per month—more than enough time to finish the game.

  • +2

    This game will be half price in about 2 or so weeks time and probably on game pass & PS+ soon within a month and during the launch month it will free with video cards.

  • +2

    I can see ubisoft itself becoming an ozbargin post, they'll be even cheaper to purchase when this game bombs.

  • $79? tell em they're dreaming

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