Assassin's Creed Shadows will be $79 at launch on PS5/XSX at Target.…
Assassin's Creed Shadows will be $79 at launch on PS5/XSX at Target.…
What did I miss?
Edit: never mind, I googled it.
Can you provide link or context? All I see is their share price down 25%
Not supporting ubisoft after all the crap they have done to this game
Passing off bullsh#@t as history until they get called out on it, amongst other bad practices.
Downvoted for telling the truth?
Ubisoft hanging on by a thread..
I think this game will make or break them..
Why do you say that? Just Dance 2026 is coming out soon, with an incredible 171 base songs.
Can't tell if you're joking or not 😂
Can't wait to learn some Japanese history
I went non-buy-nary on this :P
Hard pass.
Lesson learnt on Ubisoft games long ago - almost all end up being $29-$39 within 6 months usually once DLCs are released.
Last Ubisoft game I played was prince of Persia on PS2. What masterpiece.
Complete and utter disinterest on this one.
Historical Japan has been done a lot (and well) recently by games like Ghost of Tsushima. And not retconned like this one!
Read a book if you want to learn history. This is a computer game.
But it is coming to consoles too
You can accept dragons, elves and talking trees, but you can't accept a 2021 BMW 5 Series 530i with optional heated seating. Why are you so bigoted?
Historical accurate game: Ubisoft.
Haven't been following it much. Which part is retconned (other than the ancient aliens stuff)?
cant wait for Assasins creed : Nanjing
Featuring houses with Korean architecture, everyone eating sushi, and the deluxe edition of the game including a clock and a green hat.
Can't wait to play a black guy beating up some Asians
Can't wait to play a black guy b eating up some Asians.
With a hip pop sound track in the background
Looking forward to these snowflake ozbargain comment sections catching up with reality
Get a better hobby
this game will be 90% off within 2 weeks 😂
Remember: no preorders!
Well, this isn't a pre-order. It's a launch day deal.
No launch day deal for me till I check out some independent reviews first.
Look interesting but unsure if I want to commit.
Fair enough, was just trying to highlight that this isn't a preorder.
I will also be waiting until reviews drop on the 18th to find out more.
What preorder?
Get comfortable with not owning games
Wonder if BigW would price match. Have a giftcard from there
Hold.. what?
Till BigW has it?
price reduction :) these games usually go down significantly and given the game had so many bad reviews on gameplay, I would wait tbh.
Hopefully Amazon will price match on the day. I quite enjoyed Valhalla. Looking forward to this one.
Even you want to buy it, maybe wait until its reach below 10…I have high confidence this will be similar to concord lol
Yeah.. nah…
Ubisoft should become comfortable with the idea of not owning their company.
Hard pass.
This game will be free on Epic after a month LOL
This will go the way of Dragon age: Failguard, it will be a free game in a month or two, hodl even if you are thinking about wasting your money on this rubbish.
For Xbox users, Ubisoft+ costs $23.95 per month—more than enough time to finish the game.
This game will be half price in about 2 or so weeks time and probably on game pass & PS+ soon within a month and during the launch month it will free with video cards.
I can see ubisoft itself becoming an ozbargin post, they'll be even cheaper to purchase when this game bombs.
$79? tell em they're dreaming
Guess i'll have to stop shopping at target in 4 days