[PC, Linux, Mac, Steam] FTL: Faster Than Light $3.62, Into the Breach $8.60, Subset Games Endless Decisions Bundle $11 @ Steam


FTL: Faster Than Light

This "spaceship simulation roguelike-like" allows you to take your ship and crew on an adventure through a randomly generated galaxy filled with glory and bitter defeat.

Into the Breach

Control powerful mechs from the future to defeat an alien threat. Each attempt to save the world presents a new randomly generated challenge in this turn-based strategy game.

Subset Games Endless Decisions bundle
Includes both games.

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  • +4

    also available on the same game pages is the bundle of both games for $11 saving a further $1.22

  • +5

    These have both been granted the honour of being added to my 'Favourites' section in Steam

    • +3

      What other games have that honour? I’ve never ever found a game thats as fun as FTL

      • +6

        I've also got Tactical Breach Wizards, Infinifactory, Last Call BBS, Shenzhen I/O (you can tell I like my Zachlike games!) as well as Mini Metro & Mini Motorways.

        The closest I've fount to FTL in terms of cold-blooded luck and numbers has been, surprisingly, Balatro - the gameplay looks different, but the overall goal to slowly build your hand to win (with a high failure rate) feels really similar. That's free on Game Pass though, so it's not favourite'd in my Steam library

        • +4

          Tactical breach wizards is so fun, wish more people knew about it so the genre gets more games.

          The developer's previous game Heat Signature is a beautiful blend of Hotline Miami and top down planning shooters like Door Kickers and Frozen Synapse.

          Gunpoint is different but also entertaining side scroller with lots of tactical defenstration.

          • +3

            @Mixhael: Another vote for loving Tactical Breach Wizards - the gameplay is brilliant, and the writing is damn funny.

          • +1

            @Mixhael: I really enjoyed Heat Signature but felt it was missing one critical feature - a replay button at the end of the level that shows a full replay of what you just did but with all the pausing omitted, so it looks like you are ninja-dashing/john-wicking your way through the corridors with insane reflexes.

            • @Jonzay: Yes a full speed replay would have been a delicious cherry on top! Any game that has a replay adds a lot of enjoyment for relatively little development resources.

              I've spent hours looking through post game replays of Super meat boy and Hotline Miami, or even games like Halo and Overwatch or Smash bros!

        • Thats awesome! I have Shenzen I/O, Mini Metro and Balatro! Let ms know if you find any other gems

      • +2

        Void War looks promising as a sequel-esque to FTL. The demo is a bit easy, but gives some insight on some of the extra features that makes it feel like FTL 2.0.

        • +2

          looks like ftl 2.0 with 40k paint

        • Thank you!

  • +4

    Into the Breach also free on mobile if you happen to have a Netflix sub and available to install through their app, fwiw.

  • +1

    Into the breach is great. Put off getting it for far too long.

  • +4

    If you've been collecting the Epic freebies, check your library before buying! Both FTL and Into the Breach were given away before

  • Great roguelike games

  • +1

    Both amazing games. And with the FTL Multiverse mod, you can be unlocking things forever

  • Into the breach is so good. I would even say that it's better than Balatro which in my opinion is extremely overrated

  • Awesome game

  • If you already own one of the games, buy the other through the bundle, because it's actually cheaper than buying the game on its own because of the 10% bundle discount.

    For example, Into the Breach is $8.60 on sale individually, but if you already own FTL and buy the bundle for Into the Breach its only $7.74. Thats an extra 86 cents you can save! Don't spend it all at once.

  • +3

    I just wish they'd release FTL on iPhone. Then I could purchase it a fourth time.

  • Both of these are absolutely outstanding, and incredibly replayable.

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