Crazy discount. An actual proper discount. These are generally around the 1.5 to 1.9k mark.
Thrustmaster T818 Ferrari SF1000 Simulator $719.95 Delivered @ Amazon AU

Last edited 16/03/2025 - 09:14 by 1 other user

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Tell your wife you'd be a fool to not spend $720 on this wheel.
Looks like a great price but lots of reviews complaints about the Frankenstein quick release design that seems to have a lot of play even when tight. Also lots of plastic components when compared to the fanatec or moza counterparts.
Anyone in the hobby that can recommend a better value set? Budget is $500. Ideally not just the wheel. Use on PC maybe Xbox/TV.
Talking Logitech but that too will stretch that budget. Look for 2nd hand if you want more for those dollars.
2nd hand t300 or 500 from someone upgrading to a dd wheel.
This hss been a staple of driving games for a very long time (Logitech G29 = $399):
fanatec or thrustmaster t300rs for belt driven.
Logitech uses gears and not as smoothif your willing and have the resources you could try diy a 15nm dd wheel base and wheel for cheap.
There are plenty of resources online and its probably the cheapest way to get a good setup
Thanks OP, ordered one and now it is time to find a padel
It seems their T-LCM pedal is not receiving great comment, any recommendation please?I’ve had my fair share of sim gear, the T-LCM are great for their price, they’re not built super solid like the Moza SRP or Fanatec CSL pedals but they do the job really well and should be able to plug directly into this wheelbase and work with the one software too.
Dont think going to spend more $$ to get a shifter, would Moza SRP has better value or still should go for T-LCM you reckon please?If it’s strictly for PC and you don’t care about using multiple usb points then I’d say the moza SRP would be a better pick for the price, performance wise out the box they’re practically the same, but if you wanna stick to one ecosystem with the thrustmaster shifter and handbrakes in the future then go the T-LCM
Are you on PC? AliExpress pedals might be worth looking at - no complaints with my Sim Jack Pro's.
There's also the sim ruito pedals(currently oos) specifically the all black ones, which i believe are the cheapest pedals on aliexpress but uses some powder coated probably mild steel instead of stainless for its body compared to some other pedals ie sim jack pro
i personally don't have much of any complaints except for perhaps mounting it on my rig but that's more so just me using it on a janky rig, had to add some supports or i'd rip the thing apart from just pushing on the brake pedal too hard and maybe the surface of the face plate if you opt for the pedals + mounting plate(i never ended up using the mounting plate in my case), since the pedals face plate is powder coated and has a rough texture, if you race barefoot it might give you a little pedicure but ymmv. And buying the 3 pedals without the mounting plate will have a stainless steel face plate so not an issue there.
also definitely get the hydraulic dampeners makes it feel much better but are sold separately
I can’t believe I missed out on this one… I’ve been sitting and waiting patiently for the Thrustmaster T598 to release to give that a crack but absolutely would have got this for a similar price 😭
Cheers mate, that’s Wheelbase only so would be looking at around $1400 total if I were to buy the same wheel new.
When you can't afford a real Ferrari
…but you can crypto, for Lambos to the mooon
That's what she said
Good luck on anyone that bought this crap. I have had 3 of them as returns. 1st one stopped working completly. 2nd became loose behind the Quick release (not the wheel) assembly and lost feedback and 3rd broke at the quick release inside unit. Not worth 200 bucks. Still waiting for a change over for the 3rd one to sell off. Never again , always used thrustmaster products sine 2009. Not anymore. I've since moved onto logitech g pro dd wheel and is much better built than
the t818.I recently tried the logitech g pro dd at a pc store and boy was i not impressed!
It was my first time trying a direct drive wheel too.
I used to have belt drive wheels like t500 and fanatec porche gt3rs. These direct drive wheels didn't feel any better than my 20 year old wheels
Plenty of settings to change the feel of the wheel. And works on console as well. Each wheel i had lasted 2 months max. Yes it felt
A little better but after my experience it is by far worse. Full of plastic that just breaks. Couldn't afford moza or fanatec so that's the route I went. I also can add my own wheel to the logitech using and adapter way better feedback as well. I also have a t300 and t500 and the logitech g pro dd is hands down better than those in feedback.Can you install this in a car?
Good luck 🤞
$790 for the wheel and drive, $590 for the wheel.
The T818 drive is $1300 on it's own…!