Found this Smart Managed switch Deal at Amazon.
D-Link Smart Managed PoE Switch Enhanced Security, and Energy-Efficient Performance (8-Port PoE Managed Smart Switch)
8 Port - V2
Found this Smart Managed switch Deal at Amazon.
D-Link Smart Managed PoE Switch Enhanced Security, and Energy-Efficient Performance (8-Port PoE Managed Smart Switch)
8 Port - V2
N i c e
Very disappointing to see you downvoted for this. It was
(Maybe to many young to get the reference)
It's dinner for two!
There seems to be a mixup with either the title or the photo's.
Its hard to actually see the model number in the description, but the photo shows a DGS-1100-08V2 which is NOT POE.
The power connector on the back of the photos is also only 5v 1A, which is no where near enough for POE.
POE models have a "P" in the model number…
From my observations, they can sometimes use different pictures but interestingly no mention of poe in the description
Also, the GTIN in the details is for a non-poe model.
With these 8 PoE switches, knowing the total PoE power budget is important. However, since it is from Amazon (and D-Link is the seller), if it turned out to be the non-PoE version, Amazon will take care of the return.
Can confirm the return process was easy with the incorrect title
This. I bought and returned this switch 3 weeks ago.
The PoE model is about twice the price
I have the previous gen PoE switch (DGS-1000-08P). It was on my local OW clearance for $49 (FOMO purchase). The Admin interface looks very plain. VLANs with IPv4 works (though the setup interface is clunky), power each port on and off works (with PoE, sometimes you want to power cycle a port from the switch remotely). It doesn't have any IPv6 management features (IPv6 traffic can still flow through, except you cannot manage them from the switch).
I use mine with UniFi network (UniFi 8 port PoE switches are expensive). Does work, but you need to setup the D-Link VLAN config to match UniFi (if you use VLANs). Obviously, you cannot manage the D-Link switch through UniFi.
Hopefully, this is indeed the PoE version (as the description, specs, model number quoted don't seem to match the PoE version).
Hey netsurfer, just to confirm you have this switch plugged downstream of a UniFi gateway, then run UniFi APs off the POE ports on this switch. And you can still manage the UniFi APs fine through the UniFi controller as long as the IPV4 VLANs match? I’ve been looking at some UniFi switches but would love to save if this can work effectively.
Just read the last paragraph if you are busy.
The D-Link PoE switch is connected to multiple UniFi cameras and an UniFi Flex Mini switch (all powered by D-Link PoE switch). That Flex Mini switch is then connected to a UniFi gateway. Cameras are on a separate VLAN (set on the D-Link switch). The UniFi gateway / controller can see them / manage them (and detect them are on the correct VLAN and because of they are UniFi cameras, the UniFi controller can fully manage them and that includes assigning static IP addresses to those cameras).
While the D-Link switch could power some of UniFi APs (POE+ only, some UniFi APs require POE++), it is not ideal because you probably want 2.5Gbps PoE switches for those access points (WiFi 7 APs need at least 2.5Gbps).
I also cheap out on access points. I opted for el cheapo D-Link M32 Eagle Pro AI (2 of them for less than $100) and flashed them with OpenWRT (setup to support VLANs both wired and wireless). However, a key reason for doing that setup is I need LAN ports in those rooms.
Note: you don't need a managed PoE switch for UniFi APs. An unmanaged PoE switch will do just fine. Think of an unmanaged PoE switch as multiple PoE injectors glued together. Your UniFi gateway will be able to see / manage those UniFi APs (and configure VLANs for WiFi networks hosted through UniFi APs).
Thanks for the breakdown @netsurfer! Good to know that you can still manage the UniFi POE cameras too.
@Ethire: For UniFi network devices, it is best to avoid putting a non-UniFi network device in between. The main reason for my setup is being cheap and didn't buy an UniFi PoE switch.
Technically, I could use an unmanaged PoE switch and simplify my setup. The only difference is the ability to power on/off each PoE port remotely (from a Web interface) because the PoE switch is managed. The extra VLAN setup on the D-Link switch is only because I want the PoE switch itself to be on a different VLAN than the cameras (the VLAN for cameras is isolated (no Internet access nor access to my internal network)).
Only gigabyte
No, it's D-Link.
i don't think i have bought a D-link again after my first d-link 25 years ago.
In before price in title..
So what is the price….
69 dude!!