[Back Order] Focal Trio6 ST6 3-Way Studio Monitor (Single) $3849 Delivered / SYD C&C / SYD In-Store @ Sounds Easy


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  • +8

    Best description on ozbargain?

    • +1

      It's only $4000 for 2 speakers, it's such a good deal you don't need a description.

      Wait is this 4 grand for 1 speaker.

  • +1

    @ sounds expensive

  • Sounds like a Bargain, $8000.00 for stereo, got to be well heeled if you want 5.1,I am sure they sound great but for that price they would want to.

  • +1

    Geez, one speaker is more than my 5.1 system. Should I upgrade?

    • +1

      Haha, yes, about what I spent on my whole 5.1.4 system. Including a TV and 4k blu ray player, lol.

      • Its not so much what you paid for it. It's what it is worth!

        • Definitely, I got everything at super sharp prices and am happy with it, despite being on the budget end. Not knocking OP at all, buy whatever you want and makes you happy.

  • +2

    I think that a pair of Focal Trio6 ST6 3-Way Studio Monitor would make a nice stetrio Dolby Triorround sound. Imagine being immersed in that sound while watching dvds from your local library.

  • Nice established brand and model. Focals are often reduced though.

  • Which one of you bought 10 of them and now it's backordered?

  • Oof, a pair costs 2.5x what I paid for my Q11 metas

  • 10 years ago when i used to sell Audio, focals were overly bright. Hoped to win sales on false clarity by peaking the 4khz range.

    Have they improved?

  • Go all the way to the shop for a listen before I spend 8k to listen in stereo? Crazy, buy now think later

  • I am tossing up between this and Anko's. Can't decide!

  • I'll keep my 5" beat up Cheap Sony speakers from an OLD cheap failed stereo a friend left me thanks.

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