Has Anyone Joined The Freedom Boat Club in Australia?

They always say owning a boat is the second best thing in life. The first is to have a friend who owns a boat. I noticed adds popping up for the Freedom Boat club on the Gold Coast. It sounds too good to be true, with a low monthly fee to have access to a number of boats.

However, all the research I have come up with is from the USA. I wonder if there are any Ozbs who have joined this club and if they can tell me what the membership up front fee is as you cant find any info on it without calling and making an appointment for the sales pitch.


  • +11

    OzBargainer's just pay 50 Cents and catch a CityCat.

    • ??(buchermunicipal.com)

      • Just Brisbane things….

  • no

  • +2

    “Freedom”. “Boat”
    Sounds like an oxymoron

    • +6

      Actually, "boat" is an acronym - Bring Out Another Thousand.

  • +2

    resU emaN skcehc tuo

  • -1


  • dont worry give it a bit and i will be uberboats

  • +7

    You misheard them… A boat is the second most expensive thing in life. Boats and caravans are quicker at turning money to ash than gambling. At least with gambling there is a chance you may get some money back.

  • +8

    Call for price means it expensive and they're going to give you a big sales pitch before giving you the price.

    • +6

      Time share pitch, sea going version.

    • +2

      oh yer you get to use the boat unlimited times per year. but you have to share it with 100 other people. school holidays - tell em your dreaming.

      heaps of spare availability on a tuesday afternoon between 1 and 3 o clock.

  • +7

    Freedom Boat - Anyone else picture a bunch of anti-vaxxers with an upside down Red Ensign on the mast ?

  • +3

    Doing a Google search (I know it can be hard), $226 a week plus approx $9k joining fee.

    • So THATS the price of freedom!

    • +2

      $11k a year ongoing, ouch.

      • Their gold coast boats seem to be in the $150-200k range. Yearly berth at a marina is probably in the $6-8k range. Servicing maybe $1.5k a year as they are outboards. Lift and antifoul once a year maybe $2.5k? Plus fuel, rego, insurance etc. Including depreciation it's not a terrible deal really.

        • +1

          But your costs are for the owner to have exclusive use. Presumably these are timeshare and most of your days to use it will be weekdays.
          If there are 15 other co-owners that is only 3 or 4 weekends a year.
          Would be a good deal for some retired mates who wanted to fish most weeks, but didn't care what day.

          • +1

            @mskeggs: Yes I understand, most people hardly use their boats anyway, so this can make sense.

  • +4

    Timeshare for boats sounds about as good as timeshare units.

    • +4

      impossible to use and impossible to sell.

      Great deal

    • I believe you don't "own" a slot in freedom boat club. There are other boat syndicates where you do buy a share, but that's generally only for stuff $500k+, and they sell easily.

      • I own a boat I can afford.

        • What exactly does that have to do with what I posted? Lots of people who are in this sort of thing can afford to buy the same boat outright.

  • +4

    All these businesses rely on peolle signing up then not using what they paid for. Youd be better to hire a boat on the odd occasion you want to rather than joining a club that will have a bunch of rules and conditions that mean you cant really use it the way you want.

    Think aboht how boats work. You want to use them the same time everyone else does. Weekends, sunny days. Booking well in advance is no guarantee of good weather. Imagine your booking slot was the week that Alfie came to town. Yourw unlikely to get money back.

    • That is what I am doing now. However at $800 per day plus fuel and I have to pay a $2000 bond in advance. Also, face the same issue, trying to book on sunny days it is booked out, and if you book in advance, same issue, you loose the deposit.

      The issue, is that rentals on the Gold Coast are either older boats, or those that cater to higher end of the market. I just want a boat I can take out on my day off on Weds or Sunday.

  • +2

    There is a saying that Yachting is standing under a freezing cold shower tearing up hundred dollar bills. Best of luck but I think freedom is going to be expensivedom.

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