Hardly ever see this go on sale, apparently a really good game and I find it hard to find second hand copies.
Still gets me trying to buy games at the $100 range though.
PS5 - https://www.target.com.au/p/black-myth-wukong-playstation-5/…
Hardly ever see this go on sale, apparently a really good game and I find it hard to find second hand copies.
Still gets me trying to buy games at the $100 range though.
PS5 - https://www.target.com.au/p/black-myth-wukong-playstation-5/…
89@amazon jp via au https://amzn.asia/d/grXGPv3
Shouldn't have region issue cos all regions are having same version.
this game is just that good
What a rip off. No game should be a hundred, let alone more.
Video games have been at the hundred mark for a long time basically since playstation 1.
I don't mind paying for it if it has decent gameplay that is not contingent of multiplayer, but more importantly not a $20 game with $100 of DLC. Having said that I have a bit of backlog so waiting for a steam sale on this.
I mean if you are soley shoping at EB games then yeah. Definitely not since PS1 for other retailers.
Still plenty of decent games releasing for $70-$90.
Its definitely more common for games to release "Deluxe" versions that don't offer much more value for $100+
RRP has gone up from $99 to $129, used to be able to get games at launch for $59, I fear those days are gone
That was when the Aussie dollar was on par with US I think. Good time for gaming.
Even back then games were expensive. I think battlefield 3 back in 2012 was like $90 at JB. Controllers were similar too
It's a very overrated game. I'd keep waiting til half price.
I have it on PC and its no where near as good as what people made it out to be.
Games like metaphor refantazio, astro bot, FF7 rebirth were far better games it was embarrassing even having it as a Goty contender last year.
The dialogue is really poor, the gameplay is very souls like but without the finesse of dark souls/demons souls/elden ring.
I honestly did not understand the hype at all.
Yes, very over rated, especially when the average steam review is Overwhelmingly Positive with 825,723 all reviews. the majority of steam players must be stupid right maverick?
The majority of steam reviewers/PC players were actually the problem with the awards last year. Then you go have the developers and fans review bombing things like baldurs gate 3.
The steam players played nothing else and expected it to be the winner.
So if anything the steam reviews scores are the worst metric to go off. But you do you.
that's a fair comment, i will give you that. but still, based on what i have seen, it does look like a great game, maybe not game of the year, but a great game. also i thought blackmyth was more like god of war than baldurs or ff, correct me if i am wrong?
@Aus Falcon: It's more like dark souls with a focus on a boss rush style. (A lot more bosses than your typical souls game). Timing of dodges etc is crucial.
It's a good game but wouldn't call it great.. I got it from Fanatical for $70 or so and played and finished every single game on the Goty list last year except shadow of the erdtree but played vanilla elden ring on launch.
I feel my view is unbiased, but it won't stop the wukong army from down voting or go against it.. which is extremely reflective of the behaviours shown previously.
I've long suspected the Steam metric is a useless marketing measure to drive sales. Where do they define it? Overwhelmingly positive could mean everyone thinks it's a 51% game.
"I'd keep waiting til half price."
So you haven't played it and you have made a conclusion it's a very overrated game? LOL
I think you need to learn to read buddy. You are mixing my recommendation to the community vs me owning the game
Hype, it was all the demonstration video's that players got excited about. Especially the vapers.
Since its a new game, lets see if players communicate to the owners / developers to fix some of the issues.
And if you are not sure, check you tube for before you buy videos, gamer reviews, gameplay.
And if you are not sure, check you tube for before you buy videos, gamer reviews, gameplay.
And never ever pre-order!!
I think it is a good game, just the price is too high on Console. I would rather spend on my daily groceries instead of a game TBH.
If the price is $59, I think it would be easier for all gamers.
Definitely, I think for those who really want it, this is a good discount to finally come since its been so long and its the lowest I've seen physical Aus version.
But those willing to wait, around the $50 to $59 price point looks to be a good place to wait for IMO.
Game has been out for 206 days, $50 i might bite.
actually digital copy at playstation HK store priced around RRP $50 (standard version) from day 1
I will wait for $40 :-)
Waiting for it to be $43.62
there wasn't any when it was launched. not even in China where this game was made