Going to NZ with group for 2 weeks. Any pointers on if they have any app which provide discount on food, like what we have eatclub app / Liven app here.
Also, any advice on looking for the cheapest fuel?
Going to NZ with group for 2 weeks. Any pointers on if they have any app which provide discount on food, like what we have eatclub app / Liven app here.
Also, any advice on looking for the cheapest fuel?
NGl after finding this app i haven't had to use my Entertainment book since.
Bigger discounts and a better variety imho.
Although they are restaurants i generally wouldn't consider.
any advice on looking for the cheapest fuel?
fuel in NZ is very expensive…
Entertainment Book has some good offers for food/attractions for NZ.
Also, some good deals can be found here: https://nztraveltips.com/travel-deals
Never used it over there but have in Aus and the UK and it was great although it’s not off alcohol and you have to eat early - https://www.firsttable.co.nz/
For fuel I’d check out Gaspy app (use the map function not the listing and it’s not as good as petrolspy)
Broadly speaking unmanned servos will be cheaper and if you have a diesel car look for truck stop places out of town (eg the one in ZQN on the road to Skippers Canyon is a good 10% cheaper than the diesel at Frankton), if you’re on petrol Pak n Save seemed cheap