• In 2 days

Time-Based 60-30% off Large Traditional, Value MAX & Value Range Pizzas - Pickup Only @ Select Domino’s Stores


Not sure if this is targeted to certain stores.
But this is a time dependent deal.

Order time Discount Code
11am-1pm 60% off 987150
1-4pm 50% off 341094
4-7pm 40% off 388008
7pm onwards 30% off 753730
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  • "Valid on 15/03/2025 between 11am til 1pm only. Selected stores only." it is indeed certain stores. but sadly it does not say what stores.

  • Didn't work at either of my local ones :'(

    Any chance I'm stupid and you do need the app? I didn't try via the app

    • +1

      Try again in 2 days. :)

      • I set it to pickup at 1145 on Saturday, they said the stores aren't taking the code.

        • I assumed the code will go live on the day, but I could be wrong. 🤷

          • +2

            @Aureus: It definitely could, and I'll try again Saturday morning, but usually these buggers are locked and loaded available for preorder too.

            Time will tell, if I can get half a dozen values for under 20 bucks once again I'll be partying like it's 2020 (the first two or so months before the world ended anyway)

            • @TheDukeOfNukem: So I tried preordering at my local, which I assume would work since I got the sms.

              And you’re right, code does work right now.

              FYI works in Essendon VIC.

              • @cloudy: cries in regional Vic

                • @TheDukeOfNukem: Sorry got your hopes up. Hopefully they pull out a good deal soon.

                  For those in Essendon dominos does good pizzas there. The Lot is packed with toppings.

  • Didn’t these used to be 100% off? If yes, I guess this is due to Dominos not doing so well lately.

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