[PC, Xbox] Ubisoft Plus Premium 1-Year Membership A$143.97 (Ongoing A$239.95 Per Year) @ Ubisoft


Ubisoft Plus Premium Yearly Membership $143.97 @ Ubisoft

Shout out to HotUKDeals for the original post

Play 100+ games on PC
New releases Day 1 & early access when available
Most premium editions and DLC content
20% discount on games and DLCs, 10% off virtual currencies

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  • +42

    Possibly the worst deal, in the history of mankind. Ubi doesn't deserve any of our money.

    • +1

      I really wanted to play the new Prince of Persia, but considering the insanely high price for a metroidvania and the stupid login requirements, they can shove it

      I have a feeling they will definitely ruin the Sands of Time remake 🤦‍♂️

    • Agree.

    • I wish you were wrong - but you're not.

    • if u cant sell crappy games, sell membership lol

    • But they created the first ever AAAA game to walk this earth, show some respect 😅

  • +4

    Are they paying me?

  • You’re kidding..

  • +10

    WTF why is it so dear, that's Game Pass prices which has 400+ games and an awesome catalogue. Geez…

  • +8

    Hahaha yearly sub for premium disappointment

  • +1

    the audacity…

  • +1

    I sub for a month here and there to burn through a new release but even with this discount I want to vomit a little

    • +1

      who cares what price they put on a turd

      • If you like the Ubisoft formula

        Sounds like you don't like Ubisoft games. This deal isn't for you. 👍

  • +6

    Too early for april fools day.

  • +2

    I would be very wary of this deal. Potentially Ubisoft could not be around much longer, also on top of this if you are a Xbox member you are better off getting gamepass which includes Ubisoft games anyway.

    • No Mirage or Shadows on game pass though.

      Edit: Also missing DLC

  • Spend unwisely?

  • U Bi Soft - Deal 👎

  • +3

    Game Pass is better value. EA Access is better value. PS Plus is probably better value too.


    For 12 bucks a month, the latest Assassins Creed, those Avatar and Star Wars games they did, the new Prince of Persia, and so on, there's a decent amount of value to be had. My PlayStation 2 magazine yearly subscription used to cost more and all they gave you was a demo disc every month, and I lapped it up.

    • +2

      Oh you sweet innocent child.

    • +2

      likewise i enjoyed Ubisoft games.
      spent 1000 hours on The Division 2.

    • +2

      Because people on Ozbargain lack the social cognition to understand not everyone thinks the same as them.

      It's fine to hate Ubisoft games, but it is silly to think the millions of people who buy their games don't actually enjoy them.

      • It's like all those people hating on Playboys but they all have rubbed out on one.

    • 🤣

  • The Guillemot family are getting desperate and resorting to Ozbargain lol

  • Ubisoft is one of the most predatory gaming companies around. They don’t deserve your money, let alone a subscription from you.

  • +2

    What is this rubbish? Ubisoft are a terrible company.

  • +2

    Sorry OP, that's a ridiculous price.

  • no deal

  • The question is why would you wanna do this when there's barely anything worth paying for that could not be found in a bargain bin somewhere?

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