Ninja Creami $239, Creami Deluxe $279 + $10 Delivery @ Qantas MarketPlace


Qantas Marketplace has sale on Ninja appliances - Ninja Creami or Creami Deluxe (especially) looks cheap after having a look at camelcamel.

Ninja Creami - $239 (plus $10 delivery if applicable)…
Ninja Creami Deluxe - $279 (plus $10 delivery if applicable)…

Been looking at these and pulled the trigger on the Deluxe at this deal, given it was only $40 extra.

(14.03.2025 - updated as Deluxe back in stock)

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  • +1

    It's a good deal, Catch had it for $110 last Tuesday

    • Really, $110 that is wild.

      I haven't been keeping tabs on the 'standard' Creami as been looking at the Deluxe for the tub size, but at $110 I for sure would have just bought the standard one.

      • +1

        Yeah, I really wanted the slushi from the deluxe, but $110 was insta buy. I think it was a pricing error with the promotion because they fixed it right after I bought it

  • +1

    Deluxe OOS just as I was about to check out.

    • Bugger, I'll update the title to reflect.

      • +1

        Back in stock now. Shame I've already bought it on Appliances Online for for $314 - $30 first time order = $284. Missed out on the bonus Qantas points!

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