Can you guys please help me to find a good bargain for headphones?
Any brand around $200.. Thank you
Best headphones!

L[Deactivated] on 02/01/2013 - 15:12
I use these;
You can find it for much cheaper than the listed price:…
mainly for DJing use, but I also use them now and then to watch movies
I recommend the AudioTechnica M50. Great headphones and good build too. You may be able to find it for $150-ish.
Probably one of the best headphones out there.
What do you want to use the headphones for?
Gaming or music?
What genres?
What do you value more:
Sound quality or Noise reduction?
How portable do you want it to be?
Also, would be a good place to look for advice and recommendations.
Good luck.