Looking at Moving Away from TPG... Leaptel Any Good?

I’ve been with TPG since the ADSL days, and recently they've been increasing their prices. I'm now considering making the switch to Leaptel and wanted to ask a few questions.

How reliable is their internet connection, especially during peak times?
How is their customer service and tech support? Are they responsive and helpful?

I’d love to hear about your overall experience—good or bad! Any advice or insights would be greatly appreciated.

What’s the process for moving from TPG to Leaptel?

My billing cycle with TPG is on the 11th, and I’m required to notify them of cancellation—when should I make the switch to Leaptel to avoid overlap or extra charges? this part that got me most..

Would love to hear your experiences and any advice on making the transition smoothly. Thanks in advance!

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  • +2

    You're overthinking something as banal as an internet provision reseller. All those questions will be anecdotal and subjective. Try them out if you're so intent and if they're not great, move on to another. That's the great thing about no long-term service contracts here.

    Moose are cheaper for 6 months: https://moosemobile.com.au/nbn/

    • -1

      I did sign up to one ISP that was not only awful, but put a $300 lien on my credit rating that was near impossible to get rid of (it was meant to only be for people that got a modem from them, I didn't).

      That said, Leaptel are awesome and I am happy with them. I wish more providers would do 500/200, but I'm glad they're not only cheap for that plan but have been solid as a rock.

  • How reliable is their internet connection, especially during peak times?

    Stable as a rock but YMMV depending on any possible congestion at your POI. The only RSP i have used that is comparable in quality is Aussie BB which is somewhat more expensive. I was with Leaptel for 12 months, briefly left to take advantage of another offer, quickly realised the mistake and have now been back with Leaptel again for nearly 18 months.

  • -1

    If you're unhappy with the price, try calling TPG and telling them, you might be surprised what they might offer for you to stay

    • It would be easier than churning sometimes

  • I’m wondering about the best time to sign up with Leaptel. Can I sign up on April 1st and have Leaptel activate the service on May 7th?

  • Just go superloop
    All the better ISPs are the same

  • If you told us what kind of NBN you have we could probably help you better.

    • i have FTTN and checking on FTTP upgrade it said it's coming…

  • +1

    Very happy Leaptel Opticomm customer, solid connectivity, good customer support.

  • Leaptel is the best.

  • +1

    Leaptel is great, been on a 1Gb link (great speed, no drop-outs) for a few months now, and have experienced no issues.

    When they have maintainence scheduled, they email ahead of time and it's usually scheduled for very early morning hours.

  • I've been with Leaptel, no complaints.

  • thanks for reply..seems i need to upgrade modem and anyone recommend me one? just get supply modem from leapel VX230v?

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