We had a steam station iron but it just breathed its last breath. Looking for recommendations if you know of any good steam station for ironing clothes
Steam Station Clothes Iron - Looking for Recommendations

I have Philips Perfect Care Aqua Steam Generator
Philips Perfectcare Steam station changed my life. You can just iron - go from ironing jeans to the wifes silk top without pause or care.
Means you can focus more clearly on Netflix.
I had no idea that I wanted that until right now. Maybe I can go back to ironing my shirts and not pretending that because they're non-wrinkle that they look fine.
Do you have the one that automatically adjusts temperature based on type of cloth? How was your experience with it.. For me it didn’t do great on cotton shirts, rest were good
How old is the one you have? They are expensive units, so make sure you have exhausted possible warranties.
I have a deLonghi - I had the old one ($399) that had the cork handle. This was replaced once, and then when it failed, they sent me the next model up $599). That one has been replaced probably four times. Also - this is going back about 10 years or so.
They said originally that they'd had a lot returned from the Gold Coast area due to the water hardness. I am in the Greater Brisbane area and we were in drought at the time and they thought that was also contributing.
And it is seriously difficult to go from a steam station to a regular iron!
I have Philips Perfect Care Aqua Steam Generator but the movers damaged the steam tank hence won’t be covered under warranty I am afraid
Bugger…insurance on the move?
What did you have? Braun CareStyle would be my tip