Win a 7-Day Tasmania Cruise for 2 Worth $3,498 from Cruise Megastore



Closing Date 30/04/2025
Draw Date 07/05/2025 12:00pm


Description 7-Day Tasmanian Cruise onboard the Crown Princess and $300 air credit per person
No. of Prizes 1
Total Prize Pool $3,498.00

Entry Requirements

Open To Australia & New Zealand
Entry Limit One per person
Entry Methods Website
Prerequisites n/a

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  • +5

    OH be careful entering this one, I entered one from them once before and they are TENACIOUS with the sales calls!!!

    Very pushy, rambly, talking over you, not getting to any real point - trying to sell you vouchers and certificates which you use for deals, after over 15 minutes into their spiel I STILL didn't have any real facts about the scheme, or how much, and told them as such,
    only for them to get huffy at me for not wanting to take advantage of 'such a great deal' that was only available "right now" and I told them straight if they can't get to the damn point by 15 minutes in, you don't really have anything to offer.

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