Cheap A5 Notebook for Fountain Pens?

Just recently got into fountain pens and been loving it. Got started with a Muji notebook. Pretty cheap 3 a pop.

Is this the best budget notebook I can buy with that? I like to stay around that budget (ideally max is $10, but cheaper would better). I wouldn't mind paying in bulk but as long as they stay relatively close to that price.

Just curious what's out there and if I'm missing out on something before I buy another Muji.


  • Daiso has some good options, they sell Kakuyo campus notebooks but also have copycat versions of Kakuyo, Apica and Noble notebooks, all made in Japan which I have found to take fountain pen ink well.

    Generally though countries where schoolkids have to write with fountain pens or where fountain pens are generally just popular have good paper like Vietnam, Germany, Japan; so even cheap exercise books made in those countries tend to take fountain pen ink quite well. But I'd test these first obviously before buying in bulk.

    Also if you tend to use drier inks or fine nibs then you'll find more papers to be 'friendly'

    • Oh didn't know that. Will take a look at Daiso

  • -3

    Just curious what's out there and if I'm missing out on something before I buy another Muji.

    Ahhh yes, pondering your life choices over a $3 item.

    If you like it, buy it. Its not going to break the bank.

  • +1

    I bought a 6-ring A5 binder off Ali, plus various paper types to put in it and I like it a lot :

    Being able to shuffle the pages around is so, so, so great. Plus put plastic tabs in between different parts of it, amazing.

    I may even just buy a clip and try making my own binder to my personal tastes :

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