Need some space? 64GB x 5 for $32.xx
Plus shipping
USB A drives
Need some space? 64GB x 5 for $32.xx
Plus shipping
USB A drives
There a comments that the write performance is fairly bad for these. (if that matters to you)…
that feedback is crazy on a product that is literally called 'Supersonic Rage', haha
I’m avoiding USB-A only devices now.
Can I ask why?
I'm not gonna bite or anything, I'm just curious. For me, I hate when things are C only. Everything of mine still takes A (usually with an option of C as well), but the missus' MacBook is C only and it does piss her off needing a dongle every now and then.
'usb-a only' may refer to devices that support both c and a eg…
In my case I mean “a only” doesn’t have a USB-C connector at all. The drive you linked to are, as titled, dual drives.
You can get memory sticks now that have both USB-C and USB-A connectors. In our case our Apple devices are USB-C. We already have some older memory sticks that are USB-A.
We bought a twin pack of 128Gb Lexar memory sticks from Costco Docklands today for $30.…
Or buy MicroSD and adapters for any USB. It works for cellphones and cameras too.
Get a adaptor c to usb a,solves the problem
It's the opposite for me, everything of mine has USB C with some having USB A. My phones are a prime example. USB C device's can plug into anything I own. But USB A device is limited to my laptop and desktop.
But I still prefer getting pendrives with both USB A and C. Some not everyone's switched over.
Most of mine failed, wont buy again
I've been through over 200 of these, had one fail so far :)
Got a pack of 5 and had 4 fail… but possibly batch dependent?
Need some space?
no but thanks for asking
Mine have been good. But prices have been static for years now. I had hoped to see them drop.
Digital storage!
I've found these good, some others posted they had some failures last time this deal came around.