Reputable Used Hard Drive Sellers?

I recently bought a used hard drive (server pull) from East Digital HK, it was a good used drive with 1000 days use, 100% health after running checks and write tests. I use it to store my plex library only. I'm loooking to get a few more drives but East Digital have low or no stock right now. So I'm looking for other well known sellers, who sell used hard drives with good warranty.

I am aware of Neology, who post on Ozbargain from time to time, are there any others people can recommend?


  • +4

    I've been using the refurb Western Digital DC HC550 16TB drives from Amazon as my go-to for the past six months:…

    A heads-up about the write cache: If you pick one up, check whether write caching is enabled. If it's disabled, return it and get another - performance will be severely impacted otherwise.

    You can verify the write cache status with:

    hdparm -W /dev/sdX

    • Thats a bit more expensive then what I paid at East Digital, I bought a 14TB for $227. Although they have no stock right now (probably because they were so cheap) and amazon is still much cheaper than new.

      • Did you check ED’s FR section? 14TB barracuda pro for $277 or Exos for $292.

        You might get lucky and actually get a genuine FR drive, or it might have been used for many years after the FR and had the smart values reset.

        I do think prices have gone up. Even before ED pulled the “new” Exos drives from their store, they were a bit more than I’d paid only a few months prior.

        • Yeah, ill have another look, I only just purchased the first hard drive 3 weeks ago, prices have gone up.

          • +1

            @running on empty: pay attention to the DOM in the photos. some of the FR drives are from 2018. they are literally 6 year old drives. ED are still trying to flog drives from 2014 as new

        • I have not had great success with the FR drives from ED. Putchased 2x X16s 16TB about 11mo ago. Both faulty on arrival. They did swap out but one died yesterday; again offered a replacement..

          So service seems good but maybe dodgy batch..

  • I bought 2x 16TB Seagate X16s from ED about 11 months ago. Both arrived faulty. Was promptly swapped out (i paid postage to Melb); yesterday one has failed again. They were fast to offer a replacement; shipping it back Monday.

    I have since bought a 18TB from Umart ($619) as I needed the RAID5 up with redundancy; as its 7-10days to turn around the replacement. And honestly Im concerned the second one will die too.

    My brother uses the WD via Metrocom (Amazon link above) without issue.

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