Since their was interest in the no name bike lock posted earlier today, here's a solid deal on a well regarded motorcycle lock.
Nb. if you park your motorcycle in public in this day and age you're braver than me.
Since their was interest in the no name bike lock posted earlier today, here's a solid deal on a well regarded motorcycle lock.
Nb. if you park your motorcycle in public in this day and age you're braver than me.
Where else do you park when you ride places?
Also the link isn’t working and we need a price.
Bicycle u locks are for locking the frame to a bike stand. These are for disc style brakes which have vent holes big enough for these. Not all bicycles would suit. Also you could just remove the front wheel.
…its for motorcycles.
The one one you said had interest, isnt.
Fair point.
Website not working
Yup. WSOD for me too
Annyoing. Its AMX.
A pair of these saved my dr650 twice on a round Australia trip. One in the luggage one cable tied to the frame. Bike was cable locked to a mates
did they false alarm much? Im looking at something similar but need it to remote notify me via an app. Was looking closely at a couple of apple airtags to do the same thing.
Didnt false alarm at all. The bikes were parked xlose to where I was sleeping. Ypu only het a couple of hours with the airtags before they notify the offfender. Worth trying but i was hoing the deterrent with lock and the audible alarm notification
AMX product URLs are not working, but here's a search link to their 4 Oxford alarm locks (3 are on sale )…
My bikes worth more insured than I can sell it for privately … No need for a lock …LOL
How much?