Can You Haggle at JB Hi-Fi?

Has anyone tried to haggle on JB Hi-Fi live chat to get a better price than the competitor? Mainly looking to price beat Samsung tablets.

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JB Hi-Fi
JB Hi-Fi


  • +9

    Yes, all the time

  • +2

    That is kind of the point of the online chat.

    • +14

      I thought it was to share my feelings

      • +4

        That too. And for recommendations for tattoos and piercings.

      • +3

        I ask them which t-shirt looks better and they actually reply lol

      • +2

        No, you want JV live chat for that

    • Once asked live chat match to TGG Commercial, they side no, but came back with a price much lower. Not complaining, he might have off by $100, but system allowed, so it wasn't below cost.

  • Yes. Many times

  • +21

    Of course, but expect this response.

    Yeah nah mate that's way below our cost.

    • +1

      Tree fiddy??

    • +1

      Have never been knocked back so far as long as model number is an exact match.
      Sometimes they will sneak in a delivery fee when they price match Bing Lee.

  • +1

    Depends who you get, they only usually match or flat out saying its undercost etc

  • you can.
    but will they give thats different thread/post

  • I have got them to price beat a number of times instore. I've even gone in and just asked for (some larger purchase) to be cheaper and have had them do it. I know one place they didn't and then I went to another place and they did, incase you want to shop around.

  • +7

    You must haggle at all stores. Even at the Post Office. It is good practice.

  • +1

    Never tried I just pay full price /s

  • +5

    I haggle the taxman to reduce my taxes.

    • What's your success rate?

      • 5% of the time, it works everytime!

  • +3

    I once haggled a Facebook parts seller down. I ordered a flux capacitor for a 1981 Delorean and he threw in a left handed flywheel for free.

  • +3

    It depends how good looking you are.

    • This comment would be a depressing way to find out one is ugly

  • +1

    They always give you a discount if you buy several items

    Just say “is that your best price?”

  • Always have a polite conversation about a better price for non-every day purchases. There are well understood tactics. Never seen a price go up as a result and have frequently saved a decent amount.
    Have found one on one conversations at JB hiding quite helpful in the past but haven't used their live chat at all.

  • +4

    they have only ever price matched never beaten

  • From my experience they only price match not beat it.

  • -1

    If you some tips on haggling, this 2 min Monty Python clip will help:

  • You can get them to drop the price on anything. I've done it with everything from iPad covers to TVs and fridges. You don't get if you don't ask.

  • Only if you can deal with staff like this:

  • I bought a dji osmo content creator pack yesterday. $1,130. Competitive price, asked is that the best price?

    She gave me a discount of $50. Happy enough.

  • Depend on who you get. It is best to talk few people with different email id see what u get.

  • -3

    I had online chat price match some speakers from $400 to $350 but the thing is, pick-up was too far. My local JB had it in stock from online stock checker, called them and confirmed it and said, can you honour online chat's price match and I have the proof.

    Rep was so smug, he said, order it online and select our store. I said, I can't select your store cause it's not eligible. Then he said "well, we don't have it in stock", I then said "well, online says you do, that's why I am calling for a price match in-store." He then put me on hold for a brief moment, he admitted there's stock but refused to price match online price.

    From a customer's perspective, I don't give a shit if different departments have different policies, it should all be streamed lined and easy for the customer to purchase.

    Anyways, got my speakers from a computer place for $320 which was back-ordered for 1 week.

  • I accidentally managed to haggle at the post office. I was surprised when they gave me a further $5 off. I guess next stop on the haggle ladder is the ATO.

  • Mainly looking to price beat Samsung tablets.

    They will most likely match (or beat by a few dollars) the price of a genuine retail competitor, but they won’t match/beat member-only discounts like those at Samsung student or EPP stores, eBay promotions, etc. Refer to their price match exclusions for more details.

  • Negotiation works much better in store, face to face.

  • -1

    You can just do it online with them, if you worry about doing it in person.
    I recently bought a hand mixer. I did the chat while at work, and the person reduced it from $100 to $69 (somewhere else had it for that price). I didn't complete the sale, as i left to go home.
    Started the chat again again when i got home, and they were only going to reduce to $96. Naturally i started blowing up. I think she checked with others in her office and found the price match and did it for $69
    Then i signed up for JB perks and got another $10 off

  • All the time, but they're pretty shit nowadays, especially ever since they purchase the good guys.

    Whether you do it in JB or TGG they just look at each other's price first, then they ask if you saw it cheaper anywhere else, then if you say no, they go on some imaginary calculator, playing with numbers, then probably give oyu like a few % off at best, then you can counter it as well.

  • I try all the time, just approach someone who's not busy and ask "any chance to do better?".

    Or if you have a figure in mind, just ask "is it possible to do $X?".

    You have to be reasonable, it's not like a price match, they are not obliged to sell less than the sticker price (though price match is also a discretion thing).

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