What Sausage Brand Do You Buy?

My household consumes a 10 pack of bangers every week. There's a considerable difference in price between colesworth branded sausages and others. I wonder what's OzBargainer's choice and why? From the labels, I find that meat content can vary wildly. Also do you prefer the girthier ones or the thin ones, and why?

P.S. - If you don't eat or buy sausages then you are not obligated to reply

Poll Options Sat, 15/03/2025 - 00:00

  • 33
    I buy Coles/Woolies branded sausages
  • 79
    I buy another brand


  • +4

    British sausage company - specifically the beef eater ones. Decently priced and taste.

    • Ah, the good old emulsified, high-fat offal tube.

      • Yum

      • sadly so many of them use artificial skins made from animal collagen rather than proper offal tubes nowadays as it is cheaper, that includes the British sausage company.

  • +16

    Find a good butcher. I don't rate any supermarket sausages. However I'd be happy to discuss frankfurts.

  • +8

    The supermarket sausages are inedible these days - I don't know how people do it. Find a good butcher and buy your snags there mate. It is a world of difference. Personally, I like the Butcher Shoppe at Cannon Hill (Qld) or Superbutcher.

    • I knew the head butcher of WW Australia, and after he left, he admitted they were ordinary.

      • -2

        Woolworths 550g Sweet Chilli Chicken and Smokey BBQ Pork sausages are very tasty indeed

        In fact the Woolworths chicken sausages are health rated 3.5 stars !

        Hard to beat as most beef sausages are only rated 1.5.

  • +3

    I find Slape & son's bbq snags from IGA to be very good about $15 for 21pack hard to get any decent one's now not many butcher shop's around.

    • They are the best tasting sausages around, especially the Old English Pork…yummy

  • +4

    From my local butcher, made in the shop, or I go without.

    • price ?

  • -1

    Choice magazine did a review a while back.

    • +2

      Chatjvt please summarise the outcome of the choice magazine review of sausages in 2-3 sentences.

      • -2

        The Choice magazine review of sausages found that Coles' beef sausages were the top pick, winning 51% of the vote due to their high salt content, despite falling short on fat content1. Woolworths' sausages were the least favored, offering the lowest meat and sodium content1. Aldi's sausages were the cheapest but did not impress in the taste test1.

        • Now rewrite it like a Trump speech

          • @theHMASfriendship: 3 hours rabbiting on about 'the greatest sausages the world has ever seen'?

          • +9

            @theHMASfriendship: Folks, Coles sausages — they’re winners. Big salt, big flavor, people love it. Woolworths? Total disaster — low meat, low salt, nobody wants that. Aldi? Cheap, very cheap, but the taste — not good, folks. Not good. Coles wins, no contest.

            • +3

              @Clear: Local butchers? No chance. They don't have the cards. I get along great with Colesworth. Always have. Good people. Some don't like them. I don't know why. I've always gotten along with them. Good business people. Local butchers need to realise their place. Without us, they don't stand a chance. I get asked this all the time. Everyone knows this. Just ask anyone.

  • +6

    Butcher. That's it. Colesworth is only good for bulk packs when you're running a fund-raiser at school or Hammerbarn

  • +2

    Spent a couple of hours recently with an elderly italian gent making sausages. Interesting experience. Buys a shoulder from butcher, butcher minces it, provides spices & skins. Has a good quality manual sausage press at home. He preps the meat/spices & skins overnight. Once made, he has enough to last for many months.

  • Butcher or ALDI!
    I don't do fancy sausages as much now, even though I like them. A plain beef/pork sausage, is hard to beat.

  • -2


    From the labels, I find that meat content can vary wildly

    Who knew?

    Even when you do find the butcher with the best variety, guaranteed the formula changes over time. It's impossible to get long term consistency from a butcher,even.
    Butchers tend to let the apprentice saturate the high fat content with salt, and they lose the quality
    Brands like British Sausage Co, is more likely to stay the same taste longer.

  • +1

    Butcher sausages! The quality is on another level that it’s definitely worth the small amount of extra $$

  • +1

    If you're WA (SOR), give Eurostyle Smallgoods Butcher in bibra lake a shot.. their bbq snags are amazeballs.

  • +3

    Sausage party

  • -1

    another one of those polls … sheesh.
    starting to think - there is an underlying theme here - trying to push us to purchase WW/Coles branded items.

    Personally, I prefer a Margaret River brand - which is available in my local IGA (mainly buy when going somewhere).
    At home use - purchase a cheaper brand from my IGA (think it may be sourced from DBC).

    In terms of bulk + feeding a family … can't beat costco sausages (my GF lives with 4 other adults).

  • -1

    Love how ppl love salty snags, and the only way you can eat them is drown in tomato sauce which is full of sugar to drown the salt. Good sausages are balanced with flavour enough to not require condiments to make them palatable.

  • +2

    Local butcher. Great quality, taste, way less fat and so many flavours

  • +1

    LP meats or British sausage :)

  • El Saddik Chester Square in Chester Hill near woolies.
    Greystanes Meat near Woolies
    Akar Merrylands Stocklands
    Marjan in Punchbowl

    • -4

      And that doesn't make you fully sick?

  • Hello

    • +1

      , is it me you're looking for?

  • +4

    Local butcher all the way.

    I barely trust the quality of the cuts of meat from colesworth, let alone the processed kind. I guarantee it's filled with crap.

    • -1

      Probably over 20% imported ingredients.

      • Gotta problem with immigredients do ya? You should vote One Nation or sumfin. /s

  • I buy the chicken sausages from woolies. They are thin ones. They are ok but I prefer the old ones they used to have.

  • +1

    Always local butcher. Same with steak.

  • +1

    I like to play hide the sausage.

  • The gourmet sausage company, have only seen them at woolies metro though

  • Crumbed cheese sausage from the servo

  • Local Butcher. better quality, better taste and usually not a lot of difference in price.

  • https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/896159#

    Geez what's with your family.

  • British sausage pork varieties, Cumberland etc. They do a great job of replicating sausages from my youth.

  • I tried the Caves Rd Siciliana sausages and they were really tasty. I liked how they stepped out of ordinary sausage territory by incorporating some olives. They're thin, but I've also been tempted to try their boerewors which is long and thick, with a browner colour compared to most of the pale pink sausages you see in the fridges. Caves Rd might be a WA exclusive brand, not sure

  • +1


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