[VIC, NSW] Free Tickets to Melbourne or Sydney International EV Autoshow (First 1000 Women & Non-Binary) @ Future Drive AutoShow


Melbourne & Sydney International EV Autoshow are giving away FREE tickets to the first 1000 people who register this weekend for International Women's Day!

From what I can remember, tickets for last year's event were $40+ and had car brands like Tesla, Ford, KIA, Audi, ZEEKR, Mercedes, Smart, Chery, Toyota, Deep, GWM, XPENG and loads more! Was a great day out for the family and anyone who is interested in cars.

Posting here in case anyone misses their email! :D

Melbourne International EV Autoshow — 27-29 June, Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre

Sydney International EV Autoshow — 31 October – 2 November, ICC Sydney

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Future Drive AutoShows
Future Drive AutoShows


  • +2

    Was EVLover88 taken?

    • +1

      The first 97 went off a EV cliff

    • These days 88 at the end of a username has a, uh, certain meaning.

      • Not as good as 69…

        • I do respect the people who still use the Hotmail account they made when they were 12 that ends in 69.

  • +1

    Everything Electric show is on right now until Sunday in Sydney

    • +2

      EE is a better show. I went to this EV Autoshow and it was much smaller than EE. But free is free.

  • +24

    "for the first 1000 women and non-binary individuals who register" -guess I need to identify myself as non-man :)

    • +1

      yeah, we can be non-men driving non-V8s….it's all gone out of control…

  • "Future Drive is celebrating International Women’s Day by offering free tickets to the Melbourne International EV Autoshow and Sydney International EV Autoshow for the first 1000 women and non-binary individuals who register – this weekend only!"

  • +12


    Is the organiser trying to organise some eye candy for all the males who already bought tickets?

    • +10

      You really think people buy tickets to this crap?

      • 87 percent buys them!

  • +27

    Discriminatiory. This isn’t a bargain.

    • Just identify as one for the free ticket.
      They can't knock you back as it would be discrimination. Lol

  • +9

    (First 1000 Women & Non-Binary)

    I identify as hexadecimal !!! Yay, free entry !!!!!!!!!

    This is blatant discrimination against people who are born male… Deserves a -ve vote.

      • +4

        Just out of curiosity. If it was free tickets for men only, what would your comment say?

        • +3

          I wouldn't feel any need to comment because I'm not a snowflake that needs to sook about unimportant stuff like this. But it is quite amusing to witness the fragility.

          If an event wants to boost a particular demographic, go nuts. E.g. kids tickets free for the cricket. Seniors discount to the zoo. Assume y'all cry in your cornflakes about that one too. Must be a sad existence.

          • @Tock: I might have believed you if you didn’t use ‘fragile man’ in your comment.

            • -1

              @zubzub: I even bolded man, so it is less believable. But you can believe me, my simultaneous pity and amusement are real.

  • +7

    Incoming angry, overly sensitive, self professed macho men who call others snowflakes yet get triggered by stuff like this. Downvotes to this comment will prove it. LOL

    • -2

      And downvotes have begun. The truth hurts, I guess.

      • -5

        Fax my man

    • +13

      So tell me how inviting non binary folk to a free car event is anyway beneficial?

      Do you also support inviting people based on colour and religion too?

      • +12

        I don't care about any of it mate. I don't care who invites who to what. If you are triggered by stuff like this, time to grow up and get a life.

        I'm just mocking the snowflakes who are triggered by trivial stuff like this

        • +10

          You seem to be more triggered than me. I just simply asked you a question if you also support the division based on religion and colour, as you seem to support it based on gender.

        • +5

          You were triggered enough about just the thought of others being triggerred by it to post about the trigerring.

          • -2

            @tenpercent: Hahahahah triggered or just find it funny to mock them for their contradictions

          • +3

            @tenpercent: and you were triggered about people thinking about others who's thoughts of being triggered about triggering posts.

            • +4

              @jv: And you were triggered about me being

              triggered about people thinking about others who's thoughts of being triggered about triggering posts.


      • +1

        They can invite who they want…why does it hurt you man?

      • +1

        Bums on seats.

        Is that so difficult to understand?

    • +4

      Yes, in Australia, you can now choose a "non-binary" or "X" option on your driver's license, which is considered a legal recognition of non-binary gender identity; most states and territories allow for this on birth certificates and other forms of government ID, allowing individuals to update their gender marker without needing surgery or medical intervention.

  • +9

    Tbh, I don't think they will be checking what gender you are on the door. Just register for the freebie whilst we can lol

    • it would be discrimination if they did in fact query if someone was non-binary.

      • -1

        Exactly! Will be the same tickets as everyone else that they will scan at the door.

        • +10

          The tickets however will have a non binary barcode.

          • -2

            @jv: You don't even have to put your gender on the form. They don't care as long as you have a ticket lol

    • I don't think they will be checking what gender you are on the door.


      • -1

        Of course not.

        • +2

          So why make a point of offering this 'deal' to only certain genders? Seems pointless.

          • @tenpercent: It is advertising. They are trying to broaden the market beyond a male centric audience. Guys aren’t being prevented from going and I suspect the audience demographic will still be massively male oriented.

            • @try2bhelpful: No, they're not. They're just being treated as second class citizens to attend this 'event'. Not a good look. Doesn't scream equality or egalitarian.

            • +1

              @try2bhelpful: Curious, as I don't know.
              I would have thought women were more likely to prefer EV over petrol & diesel cars. Cleaner and less fumes and potential fuel spills. etc Less blokey petrolhead cars.

              Who is normally buying EVs?

  • +4

    Thanks for the heads up.

  • +3

    Good way to let the kids play in other people's cars lol

    • +2

      I'm bringing my dog. He loves playing in cars.

      I'm an analogue male, so free ticket for me.

  • +4

    Isn't this discrimination?! this whole non-binary stuff is getting out of control

    • +1

      it's birth control

  • +2

    this IS discrimination!!!!!

    • -4

      Not really. In this crazy woke world everyone is everything they need to be to get special treatment.
      No-one is denied a free ticket. Just indentify as whatever.

  • +3

    Good to know both humans and non-humans are allowed there

  • +3

    I went to last year's EV shows, it was trash, and they didn't check tickets very carefully because they knew no one would pay for such event

  • +2

    What a Croc of Shit

  • +4

    I identify as an EV - so I get in free anyway.

  • +2

    What a joke 🤣

  • +2

    Absolutely discrimination

  • +2

    Sexist by definition.

  • +1

    You really need to be a woman or identify as one?

  • +5

    EV Autoshow wants to sell as many tickets as possible, because that is one way that they make money. But they also want as many attendees as the venue can support because car companies won't attend in future and pay fees if EV Autoshow is not bringing in the crowds.

    They are giving away tickets to maximise attendence, while still selling as many tickets as they can. Car shows are more popular with men, so giving away tickets just for men wouldn't maximise profit.

    So many ❄️ here getting offended about an event that they really have no interest in attending anyway. I should really stop reading comments on this site.

  • +1

    Hard pass

  • +1

    Don't want to go into the detail about non-binary thing. It's another topic.

  • +2

    What the fork kind of promo is this?!

  • I did what I did and now my algorithm is cooked…

    • What did ya do?

  • +1

    Member Since
    7 hours 28 min ago

    Sorry to report but we've all fallen afoul of this blatant culture war stoking.

  • +2

    So my hamster can attend for free. Yay !!!

  • +2

    Discrimination. If it was the other way around?

  • -1

    Sometimes I forget how terminally online a lot of OzBargainers are. So many people triggered by an IWD promo. OMG non binary someone tell news.com.au think of the children.

    Who cares?

    • +1

      Can guarantee you’d be triggered if an event charged people extra for being women or “non binary” lol.

      • +2

        Pretty sure women and non binary people wouldn't want to go to an event full of neckbeards and maga hats.

        Pubs have had ladies nights forever so it's not a sausage fest. This is a car show. They want people that aren't in a certain demographic and they're offering incentives for that. It's not even going to work. As if any inner city non binary kids are going to be like 'oh shit I will skip the free Palestine rally and go look at Chinese EVs'.

        So triggered. So many redpilled dorks here.

  • +2


    Non-binary - pfft.

  • +2

    WTFF!! FFFS!!

  • +3

    Blatant discrimination

  • +2

    Discriminatiory. This isn’t a bargain.

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