Does a Cheap Sit-Stand Motorised Desk Thats Half Decent Quality Exist?

Hi all,

I couldn't find any recent topics about sit-stand desks. I am 90% WFH and I'd like to purchase a motorised sit-stand desk, but everything seems so expensive… I am recent separated and living on my own now, so budget is tight.

Just curious if anybody has found any hidden gems in this space? A decent quality motorised sit-stand desk that won't leaving me sweating and yearning for my next paycheck.

Thank you all so much in advance!

Edit 9/3: thank you all SO much for the suggestions. Definitely some food for thought. You all are amazing!


  • +2

    Go manual

    • Yeah. If all that's needed is to stand for a bit while working, just get something that you can wind up yourself.

      Personally, I have an L-shaped motorised one because I want somewhere to put my CRT, but can't get a proper arcade cabinet.

  • +1

    it depends what your budget is?

    I have this one which is being sold for $647…

  • +2

    search ebay for dual motor stand sit something like that
    then get the desk top panel from bunning
    should be under 400 maybe not sure now i got mine during covid, just the motor

    • This. I bought this on special on amazon -… ($200 on special, but if you can't wait for it to go on sale there are other brands cheaper you can buy now on ebay/amazon), and a custom sized (2450mm) laminated benchtop for $200.

      Motorised frame says max 1800mm but I've had no issues after 2 years (bench is extra thick to prevent sag)

    • Make sure to get the dual motor. The single motor struggles.

  • Saw a video on social, guy mounted 2 motorised legs up side down on the wall, creating a floating effect, really neat.

    Though the mechanism is probably not designed to take load upside down, so at his own risk.

    Back to your question, would this work for you?…

  • +1

    the best way to understand whether its a good quality or not will depend on the motors…

    all good motors have more range and you can also notice that the legs would have three telescopic pieces instead of 2.

    also, another easy way to check is if the lowest setting is lower than 70cm (like 40-65cm) then usually they are only available on expensive motors.

    if the lowest is only 70-71 cms then they are only good as a standing desk but not that great as a desk (if you are short you may have lower seat height).

    • Yep agree the cheapo cant go down very low…
      So i need a footrest…

      • +1

        Yup, i im 175cm even i have mine set to 67cm height.

        My wife also with her desk had to sit with her legs crossed on the seat.

        We have now upgraded to the ones that can go as low as 60cm.

        Mine is from ZenSpaceDesk and hers is from Flexispot.

        We used to have the Ergolux ones prior to this.

  • Got a cheap Lazy Maisons (120x60) for only around $300 back in 2023 (black friday), not sure how much they are now. They even replaced the motors after a year when the first one died. Really decent.

  • -1

    I have a big desk with a small riser, works great. It's small so it's easy to lift up/down. If it breaks, I still have my desk and can just replace the riser.

  • +2

    Flexispot standing desk frames are great. Partner has been using one that I set up for a while now. Quality is a lot better than the manual ones I have got from officeworks and ikea.

    For the tabletop they do sell them, but instead I got a laminated timber panel from bunnings. Looks better. Had to sand and oil it though. If you dont wanna do that, get a flexispot top or ikea top.

  • +1

    Build one for urself.
    Get cheap tabletop from Bunnings and a dual motor desk without top from ebay

  • +1

    Try Varidesks.

    Many people giving this away for free on Marketplace every now and then.

  • +1

    What's the budget?

    I got this one 1.5 yr ago

    Was a good deal, my friend got something of a different brand on ebay, had the same stock picture, was the same as mine, all comes from the same factory.

    They're quite decent for what it is.

    I probably wouldn't bother spending anything beyond $400.

  • +1

    I got my sit/stand desk from these guys, based just outside Sydney. Quality is really good and value for money its great.

  • Please provide your budget.

  • Define half decent quality? I bought one during the covid and still works with my zero research.

  • If you have an ABN you can get $1000 back from the NSW government when you purchase a sit/stand desk.….

    • I can't see it explicitly covered? Or is it an interpretation of a similar example?

  • Paid ~$400 for a manual ikea one. Bought a second for SO. When we moved house they did not fit. Bought a motorized one from Temple & Webster about same price. Quality is noticeably lower. It is smaller but less stable. Would go back to the ikea one if it would fit. In hindsight I wish I’d just bought a smaller top for the ikea one instead of a cheap motorized one.

  • Heaps of resellers on fb marketplace. Under 200, can test while you're there?

  • How is this still a thing. Standing desk were debunked. One published article and the hysteria hit. Later studies should very little health benefits and highlighted that standing had other health implications.

    I find 99% of people who buy them in my workplace soon get sick of standing around. I had a guy in an open plan office…looked like a meerkat peering over the tops of his monitors and projecting his phone calls around the room.

    </end rant>

    • Fair point, however as I am primarily WFH, I am not overly active during the work day as I am at my work desk for most of it. I figure getting it into standing height and getting one of those stupid cheap walk treadmills will help a bit.

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