Gumtree Buyer Asking for Refund - Bar Fridge

We used to keep a bar fridge upstairs, have since moved it to the garage unplugged. It was in the garage for a couple of years until we decided we won't need it and sold it on Gumtree.

It was listed for $120, sold for $80. We plugged it in a few days before hand and it worked fine (it was cold). Then came the weekend, met the buyer at a service station (always meet at a public place), and that was the end of it, or so we thought.

Another few days got a call from the buyer, he said fridge worked for a couple of days then started making noise and no longer cold, he wants a refund. I told him it was sold as is, but would consider to work something out. At the time I was thinking about maybe give him $40 back.

Spoke to a friend later that night, he advised against any partial refunds for 4 reasons:

1) We don't know what he did, but we do know it worked before.
2) That's the risk of buying used, would he pay more if the fridge works perfectly fine for the next 10 years?
3) Compromising would just make it look like there's a known problem.
4) There's no consumer protection on private sales, especially not on used goods.

He has a point, but can feel for the buyer too (if he didn't do anything to break it). In hindsight should have use the $80 towards a new fridge.

Anyway, any suggestions what to do or just ignore him?

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  • +18

    Caveat emptor. As is, where is. No warranty on private sales for used items. Ignore and block their number. They are not going to engage legal action over an $80 fridge.

    If it was working when it left your posession, then your obligation was fulfilled.

  • +7

    block his number.

  • +2

    but would consider to work something out.

    Ouch. You sort of feel obligated to offer some rectification after that. Where is your moral compass pointing?

    Did the buyer transport it upright or on its side?

    A tip might be to ask…

    Did you plug it in as soon as you got home?

    If they say yes then you can tell them that's what probably ***cked it.

    TIL people still use Gumtree

  • +2

    Agree with the others on this.

    Generally on private sales, the asking price reflects the risk. Buyer's problem now. If he told you that it didnt work from day dot, I would potentially be more sympathetic (and he would have had to tell you literally that day not a few days later).

  • +2

    Block caller

  • +1

    Tell the buyer to turn it into a safe

  • Cest la vie on gumtree. Win some lose some.

  • Shit happens. You both tested for the same time and it worked. It died in custody (what pegaxs said about caveat emptor)
    Move on. If you cave in and refund any moolah, hand in your Ozb credentials. Be prepared for a dead fridge on your verge.

  • It is just bad luck, if it is working for a few days and not continues to do so, it is just that their luck had run out.

  • +2

    If he said "it worked for a couple of days" you don't have to do anything. If it was dead on arrival it might have been a different story (maybe not even then).

  • +4

    Maybe it was transported in horizontal position then the compressor got F it.

    Also buyer said it was working… full stop.

    • Yes thinking they laid it down for transport and didn't give it enough time to recover.

  • What do you think the buyer would really do in the same situation?

  • +2

    Legally you don't need to do anything

    Morally are you happy to have taken someone's money for something that doesn't work properly?

    • Agree with this, legal and moral are two different contacts. So if they contact them a few days after the sale and said it is dead, I would ask for them to return it and give them they money back. Based on the fact the OP hadn't used it for a few years, so it could be stuffed.

  • +1

    If it was some kid who bought it I might consider refunding it, kids don't make very much at work and they can't work many hours around school.

  • +4

    I’ve sold probably 50 odd things on marketplace and 100% of the time has been at my house. CBF meeting at a servo or whatever.

    • +5

      The same, the amount of no shows etc, who can be bothered to hang around waiting.

      I've found that people who sell dodgy crap like to meet at public places so you have a harder chance of tracking them down when it goes belly up.

      • +2

        There are times you wish they can't find you.

        I goofed one time, someone messaged through Gumtree about a tea set, so I suggested to meet at a nearby reserve. Got a call soon after asking for a street address to put into GPS, so I gave the address next to the reserve, but I did reiterate to meet at the reserve, do not press the door bell, other people live there.

        So we met and completed the deal. Moments later, same guy called again asking where was I, I assumed the lady from earlier is the wife so I told him it's all done his wife has the tea set.

        Lo and behold! They are 2 different parties, the guy went nuts, apparently he needed that tea set for housewarming later that afternoon.

        • +1

          I'm confused, so you arranged to meet one person and ended up selling the tea set to a totally different person?

          • +1

            @JimmyF: It went to the first person who messaged through Gumtree.

            The second person called out of the blue asking for an address, it was easily mistaken they were the same person (at that point I didn't know the Gumtree message was from a lady). Also, the guy on the phone did not talk about the price, straight up asking for an address. Had he asked the price it would suggest he's not related to the Gumtree message, because price was already agreed.

            The lady arrived first, so the tea set went to her. Had the guy arrive first, I would have no clue and sold it to him (but he would pay the listed price, I have no change, and both of us would be super confused).

            Who would have thought a tea set was suddenly in demand. I think the algorithm pushes an item when more people click on it.

            • +2

              @browser: Why people are negging, just sharing an experience. Lighten up.

              • +2


                Why people are negging

                OZB people are strange, gave you a +

            • +1


              The second person called out of the blue asking for an address

              Ahhh ok, that makes sense now as it sounded like you sold the tea set to a strange in the park :)

      • +2

        By the way, service stations are good because they are easy to find, easy to park, some have a toilet, and more importantly they have lots of cameras.

        But it doesn't always worth the trouble to get there, unless you are going out anyway and it's on the way.

        • +1

          Damn, who is it this time?

          Negging should give a reason, like down votes.

      • If OPs buyer is very persistent that heshe is entitled to be refunded and knows where OP lives, OP can't really ignore the buyer if they decide to visit you. Doesnt mean OP/seller has done anything dodgy.

        • How would they know OPs location?

          • @chriskq: They wont because OP didnt meet at his house. But if OP or anyone took some peoples advice on meeting at their house, then the buyer would know.

  • Spoke to a friend later that night, he advised against any partial refunds for 4 reasons:

    1) We don't know what he did, but we do know it worked before.
    2) That's the risk of buying used, would he pay more if the fridge works perfectly fine for the next 10 years?
    3) Compromising would just make it look like there's a known problem.
    4) There's no consumer protection on private sales, especially not on used goods.

    I agree with your friend, these are all good reasons. Unfortunately it's a bit of bad luck on buyer's part.
    From what you've said, it appears you've done a reasonable job of checking it works.
    I don't think a half-way refund makes much sense.
    If you think you've done everything right then there shouldn't be a refund.
    If you feel bad or charitable, then refund the full price.

    • +2

      If you feel bad or charitable, then refund the full price.

      Only on return of the fridge that would be. Too many scammers seeking a refund on a working item hoping you'll let them keep it.

      • +1

        Happened to me twice now where buyer has contacted back saying 'not working' and wants 50% refund (without returning), but then mysteriously after telling them 'sorry to hear, just bring it back and I'll give you a full refund' they ghost me.

        Don't know what some people are thinking.

  • It's a square-ish bar fridge, so it was unlikely on its side at any point. But not waiting for the refrigerant to settle could be a cause. Precisely why we tested it few days before, not in the morning of the meet. Thought that's a common knowledge so didn't come across needed to be reminded.

    Goodness what a timing, would it have stopped had we used it just a few more days? Or some seals aged regardless in use or not. Who knows.

    • Thought that's a common knowledge so didn't come across needed to be reminded.

      Oh God no, common knowledge is long gone!

  • but we do know it worked before.

    You said it was sitting around unplugged for a couple of years.

    It's not nice to rip people off

    • You missed the part "plugged it in a few days before hand and it worked fine".

      It was powered for better part of a day, all seems normal, wouldn't have proceeded otherwise looking for trouble.

      • It was powered for better part of a day

        You hadn't mentioned that.

        • Thought you have common sense. A fridge doesn't get cold immediately, so you don't sit there waiting for it to get cold.

          You would plug it in, go about your business and come back later to check.

          • -3


            A fridge doesn't get cold immediately

            Some do.

  • For 80 bucks you spent time and posted here!
    Better to refund his $80.
    If it was a dead car, recycling collection fee would be 200 buck or so.

  • +1

    So the guy was careful and made sure that the fridge stayed upright all the way from when you handed it over for the $$$ and he plugged it the NEXT day as fridges and freezers should not be turned on after moving.

    What could have gone wrong… allot of things….

    Gumtree is cash only and as is where is and all sales are final.

    • -1

      That's kind of my take, not keen to subsidise his mistakes.

    • So the guy was careful and made sure that the fridge stayed upright all the way from when you handed it over for the $$$ and he plugged it the NEXT day as fridges and freezers should not be turned on after moving.

      After many years as a domestic refrigeration/washing machine mechanic, that is total rubbish. If the fridge/freezer is transported on a certain side in can cause problems.

      There were front washing machines that need to have the drum bolts had to be removed before using and re inserted before transporting. No idea if the current ones do as I’ve been out of the game for 10 years.

  • +1

    I have found fridges to be quite likely to die when they are moved. Connections break with the vibration etc. So could well have died with no fault on either party. I would probably refund as good chance no one did anything wrong. Personally would never buy a second hand fridge. Too much risk of it dieing rapidly due to gas loss etc.

  • whats your guarantee it wasnt bought and no longer wanted?

    • -1

      That's the unknown.

      There's a lingering doubt I don't know what he did that may have contributed to the fault, it's not a simple "the fridge will go out anyway".

  • I’m assuming the buyer knows where you live

    • met the buyer at a service station

  • if he's iraki he will come back and torch your place

    • met the buyer at a service station

  • I hope you used a burner phone number. If so then arrange a time to meet back at the servo for a refund, when they call asking where are you, tell them you'll be there in 20 minutes, when they call back in 20 minutes asking where are you say the same thing. They'll get the message.

    • Here's hoping he didn't sell it to Liam Neeson.


  • He admitted it was working and then stopped after a few days. Unlucky for him.

    If he'd have said it didn't work when he plugged it in when he got home then I'd be more likely to give him his money back out of pity.

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