[Prime] Numskull Official Ghostbusters Trap Incense Burner $64.69 Delivered @ Amazon DE via AU

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Should be a 10% coupon you can apply to reach the $64.69 price. Looks like RRP is $119.95.

Bit of a niche product. Does seem like it would be a cool gift if you like ghostbusters and like to use incense. Supposedly someone had issues with it and said it was a fire hazard but I've used wooden incense boxes before and never had any issues.

Edit: Sorry, looks like the 10% discount is Prime only.

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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  • Looks cool…but….who ya gonna call?

    • +4

      Your mama?

  • +7

    Incense burner from Germany, interesting!

    • +5


  • +4

    This is the kind of kooky crap I'm into, and even I struggle to get my head around it retailing for $120. A totally passive plastic box.

    Having said that, the discount is high so good post I guess.

  • -1

    Do you think this will be allowed through by the Australian Border Force?

    • +1

      ……it's a plastic box

    • Why wouldn’t they?

      • +1

        You could smoke anything in it, green grass hint hint. Might end up on an episode of Border Force

        • It's not a vape so all good 👍

      • +2

        It could contain a class-five full-roaming vapour?

        Pretty sure you can't bring them into Australia, unless you declare them.

  • If there's something strange

  • -2

    this is what you call brainrot franchising. same thing going on over at marvel.

    targeting 35 to 50 year old's after they just got done spinning their heads with nostalgia by "bringing back" ghost busters in 2024. we don't need more of this expensive junk such as deadpool keyrings, captain america shields and wonder woman merch targeted at 50 year olds.

    • +1

      ohh ohh! Complain about nostalgia Funko's next!

      • +2

        already mentioned funko in a comment ~6 months ago but, Funko is terrible.

        during covid they thought demand would go up, started making way more of them until they realised demand was actually going down. they filled up all their warehouses with tonnes of them and calculated the cost of disposing all these brand new funko's vs renting more warehouses to store and sell them.

        they concluded it was cheaper to dispose of them, they used the cheapest disposal method possible basically they buried them in a giant hole with landfill. hope you are satisfied. 🤔

        • +1

          it's consumer culture, you're on the wrong site if you object to it so strongly

          i sympathise, have to remind myself almost daily

          • @0jay: just saying what happened above with funko.

            tbh I don't feel too strongly about it. I mean as you said I'm on ozb I like to buy a thing or two every month or so. but I know every time it still leaves that void inside completely untouched but I do it anyway. it's socially acceptable and something everyone needs to do to appear normal. I know I am lying to myself every time I do it though but I try to be a "good citizen npc".

            I try to avoid overconsumption because that turns into a small pile of unopened boxes in the corner. and that gets depressing real quick. 😂

    • +3

      I’m surprised Lego haven’t made a ghostbusters trap or backpack.

    • I don't know. I wouldn't buy one, but an incense burner means smoke would come out of this thing, like in the movie. I think that's some ingenuity, not just slapping a logo on any product.

      • I did make fun of some marvel posts but I try to be nice to the marvel fans on ozb. but already had one user admit to me their age and how they liked marvel movies.

        I read a article where they revealed the demographic and seems like comic franchises aren't for teens or young adults anymore, but majority % of demographic were male's aged 35-40 or something similar. basically the shittification of content made for people growing up, and targeted towards a more mature woke demographic who have more spending power when it comes to merch.

        as I said I try to be polite and nice about it, like yeah you can like what you like. but the idea of a 40 year old single male standing up and yelling "WONDER WOMAN" is just so cringe and out of touch. although I guess they need to keep the masses hooked on some kind of junk.

        • +2

          Mate as you grow up, you'll come to learn that it's a big wide wonderful world out there, with millions of different people liking millions of different things, which is how it should be. You may not be into all of those things, and that's okay. But what is really cringe (and I cringe at using the word that way) is the patronising tone of a lot of your comments.

          • @miwahni: He won’t be young forever. I can’t stand that generation of self entitlement and instant gratification, shits me to tears sometimes. How boring would the world be if we all like the same thing

  • +3

    You'd have to be a numskull to pay $65 for this junk.

  • Read some of the top reviews from Australia before you buy this overpriced item.

    • I don’t trust any review written by someone that would spend money on this…Even the bad ones…

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