Nirvana - Nevermind - Vinyl $32.99 + Delivery ($0 with Prime/ $59 Spend) @ Amazon AU

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You may have heard of these guys… seems this is an ATL for the last couple of years (oh how we miss 2018 pricing…).

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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  • +3

    Legendary album

  • +6

    The most nostalgic thing about buying vinyl is the price

  • +2

    That baby has grown up and wanted $200k, he got $0.

    • +3

      Should've had a bigger noodle -_-

    • Greedy flog

    • +3

      He spent his whole life profiting off the picture and playing it up as the Nirvana baby for cash and cred, even has Nirvana tattooed across his chest… suddenly the world is woke and he claimed it's child porn which has scarred him for life and he deserves a huge payday. xD

      Some people hey… lol

      • -1

        Some? I work in the city in Sydney its most people atm. Mentall illness is alive and well here

        • So many social media driven protected species. Someone turn their bloody internet off already.

          • @illogicalerror: If I had to live in sydney I would be slightly off kilter as well, regardless of social media (responding to a comment on social media, but whatever)

      • Sounds like he's handled things wrong but it would kinda suck to not being given a scrap for being the cover art of one of the most iconic album covers in history.

        At the time though, $200 to the parents for a pic of their baby wasn't bad for some quick easy cash lol.

    • He needs to unzip it again.

    • According to that article jv linked above, he was trying to get $2,250,000. $150k each from the 15 people and companies in the complaint.

      His parents sold the photo for $200. Maybe he should have sued them instead.

      Lead me to this article on the back story of the cover.
      Fun fact - the wavy Nevermind logo was made by scanning a printout while moving it to distort the type. Things were hard back in the day :D

  • -6

    Anyone explain to me why vinyls are a thing again in 2025.

    Smells like capitalist spirit.

    • +2

      they've been a thing (again) for probably 10-15 years at this point

      people collect them like trading cards

      • +1

        Like pokimane cards?

        Lot of money in that T.

        • +3


          gift me a tier 3 sub?

        • @BrokeQueenslander Some sad sheet mf said he didn’t wanna live no more

    • +3

      Own the music I guess, despite the fact that a a CD/MP3 will sound better

      • Mp3 won't sound better, it's a compressed format.
        It's ok if some people aren't into music and sq, others are free to buy vinyl if they want. I agree that cd was the best media format though.

    • +2

      For people who really love music, it's nice to have physical object that represents the album and gives a feeling of connection to the artist. I often buy vinyl from the merch table at gigs I go to as a memento of seeing the band live. It's also a form of 'collectible' like any other - I want to own all the albums of my favourite artists in physical form just like some people collect pokemon cards as someone else mentioned.

    • +3

      First, the plural of vinyl is vinyl.

      Second, the industry has been kept alive predominantly by underground bands and scenes since the 90's, because despite technological advancements, there's something pretty neat about placing a big ol' disc on a spinny wheel and partaking in the vibrations caused by the small bumps therein.

    • -2

      Some parts of the economy has more money than sense

      • +2

        Never bought anything in your life I take it?

    • Just the same as sheepseses, and fruitses, and cars's's. Plural of vinyl is vinyl.

  • +1

    Dave Grohl needs those royalty cheques these days…………

    • +1

      "Its the best, the best, the best, the best of youuuuuu"

      Song was written for sports montages

  • Mine's already in the mail, ordered it the other day when it came down to this price.

  • +3

    Thanks OP!

    Gotta support these guys otherwise they might not make it

  • Oh well, whatever…

  • -1

    Amazon is cooked. They won't even deliver a vinyl to my address now. Sub not worth it anymore

    • +1

      Yeah it's not what it was back in the day.

    • +3

      just move

  • Need to support the Cobain Hawk baby.

    • lol, nirvana & proskater catalogues, revenue stream royalty

  • True nostalgia is this on cassette tape.

    • Nah it’s Teen Spirit on Cassingle

  • -1

    Just had to look up these guys. They sound like a frogstomp-era Silverchair cover band.

    • Marcie Playground imitators

  • Cheaper than an original

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