Hi Hive mind, I am looking at purchasing my first Robovac and the Dreame x50 is currently at the top of my list.
One of the really tempting elements was the capability of tapping it into a water and waste system which I have since found is not available in Australia. Has anyone had any experiences with Dreame products that have this functionality that they would like to share or does anyone have any alternatives they recommend? It's a significant investment for us but happy to do it if it's worth it.
Can't speak for other brands, but we have a Dreame L20 Ultra and it's been an absolute game changer.
The feeling of getting home to a freshly vacuumed and mopped place is borderline priceless.
idk why but I've never bothered with trying to Vac and Mop simultaneously, I've always Vacuumed then Mopped to keep things simple.
Should you buy a robovac? absolutely, yes
What brand should you buy? not sure, check rtings.