AliExpress Payment Error CSC_7200056

Has anyone been getting an error when purchasing through Aliexpress?

Payment Failed
There is bank system error. CSC_7200056 Please try again later, or use a different payment method.

Been trying since yesterday while trying to pay with PayPal. Tried multiple cards and still getting the same error.

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  • your bank is not allowing international payments

    • I definitely have international payments allowed turned on and have used the cards before with Aliexpress

    • Is that the case via PayPal? I have international transactions locked on my accounts but no problems using said accounts to purchase at AliExpress via PayPal.

      • Are you using AliExpress with its prices in AU$?

        I had a similar issue where I blocked international payments (on a card, not PyPal) but later found out that they just blocked foreign currencies. So long as a site offered to be paid in AU$, the payments would go through without issue.

        • +1

          Yes, paying in AUD.

          dodges spears from watchnerd

          • +1

            @MS Paint: Paying in AUD shudders 😱

            • @Clear: I don't have an international fee free account and 99% of my purchases are the $15 choice free shipping. We are talking cents difference so I don't bother about it.

            • @Clear: It seems that aliexpress now use a aus payment processor if you are paying from Australia in aus dollars. Last aliexpress payment I accidentally used a card that had international fees and didn't get the forex fee and the transaction description was aliexpress North Sydney. Sometimes it can be cheaper to use aus dollars instead of us dollars depending which way the rates are trending.

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