The Absurdity of Samsung's Delivery Systems

So I ordered a new TV to take advantage of a sale but the Trade Up feature wasn't loading (it was when I checked a few days earlier). So I figured, oh I'll just get them to add it to the order.

Long story short - nope. Not even their head office can do that. What an utter farce that the ability to make very simple changes (because their own website broke!) is taken away from their customer service staff!? Is this normal? I've wasted so much time on this basic request that I have zero motivation to ever buy a Samsung product again.

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  • +5


  • +15

    So I figured, oh I'll just get them to add it to the order.

    You made this baseless assumption. There's entire workflow processes and logistics challenges to chopping and changing orders.

    Samsung have tons of horrible practises here, including dreadful customer service, but you cannot not follow processes and complain about it.

      • +4

        The point is that you assumed they could just add it to the order later, but they can't.

        Whether that's because of rigid order workflows (as has been suggested) or simply because of the widely known fact that Samsung's customer service is utter dogsh*t is beside the point.

        The safer course of action would have been contacting them before making the order, after you realised the 'Trade Up' feature was broken on the website.

          • +5

            @dec1an: What are you trying to prove? That Samsung support sucks? WE KNOW!. You should have known too, there's a new forum post about it every couple of days.

            Now how about acknowledging this part of my comment:

            The safer course of action would have been contacting them before making the order, after you realised the 'Trade Up' feature was broken on the website.

  • +4

    Trade ins are handled by a separate company. What do you want them to do.

    • -6

      write contracts that cover themselves when their websites break so basic customer requests can be handled? That shouldn't be too much to ask, surely?

  • +5

    So I figured, oh I'll just get them to add it to the order.

    You assumed you could do something, when infact most companies and stores don't allow promos/trade ins to be applied after the fact.

    Is this normal?

    Yes, most companies only allow promos/trade in deals etc to be applied at ordering time.

    Its like ordering a bucket of KFC and while waiting for them to make it, you look in the app to see there is a promo for a bucket of KFC so you ask them to change the price you paid.

    I've wasted so much time on this basic request that I have zero motivation to ever buy a Samsung product again.

    It is what it is, you assumed something and now getting all upset as you can't do what you assumed.

    Also none of what you have said has anything to do with "Delivery" like your title claims.

    • -4

      but it has everything to do with delivery because they're claiming their hands are tied as it's been 'dispatched' which seems to be a shorthand for a system/contract procedure to hand over to a separate company…

      • but it has everything to do with delivery

        delivery isn't ordering……

        as it's been 'dispatched' which seems to be a shorthand for a system/contract procedure to hand over to a separate company…

        So the order is completed on their side then, so they can't change it.

    • +3

      Yep. This is a classic case where the user made an error and is now blaming the company and getting angry.

      Annoying as well when people like OP just get angry and defensive in the comments instead of listening and copping to making a mistake. Those sorts of people are frustrating as they'll always blame others for their problems.

      • -4

        I didn't make an error - their website was broken and I wanted them to fix the issue. Why is this difficult to understand?

        • +4

          their website was broken and I wanted them to fix the issue

          You wanted them to fix it after the fact. Your error was assuming they could 'fix' the issue AFTER you placed a order.

          Your error was placing a order that wasn't as you wanted it to be.

  • I have zero motivation to ever buy a Samsung product again.

    They will be shattered to hear this… anyway footy season is nearly on us..

  • How dare they

  • 🎻

  • +1

    This is proof that there is no cure for stupidity.

    • Next post from Charp…

      Sorry I hurt your feelings when I called you stupid. I thought you knew.

  • +3

    What an absolute sook you are

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