First Time Investing - Best ETF Recommendations for 2025?

What are recommendations for ETF's in 2025?

Poll has top 15/16 based on performance as per ChatGPT.

Poll Options

  • 9
    VAS - Vanguard Australian Shares Index ETF
  • 0
    STW - SPDR S&P/ASX 200 ETF
  • 2
    IOZ - iShares Core S&P/ASX 200 ETF
  • 1
    A200 - BetaShares Australia 200 ETF
  • 1
    MVW - VanEck Australian Equal Weight ETF
  • 19
    VGS - Vanguard MSCI Index International Shares ETF
  • 2
    VHY - Vanguard Australian Shares High Yield ETF
  • 3
    NDQ - BetaShares NASDAQ 100 ETF
  • 0
    VAF - Vanguard Australian Fixed Interest Index ETF
  • 1
    VGB - Vanguard Australian Government Bond Index ETF
  • 0
    VGAD - Vanguard MSCI Index International Shares (Hedged) ETF
  • 0
    VGE - Vanguard FTSE Emerging Markets Shares ETF
  • 1
    VTS - Vanguard US Total Market Shares Index ETF
  • 0
    VEQ - Vanguard FTSE Europe Shares ETF
  • 0
    VAE - Vanguard FTSE Asia ex Japan Shares Index ETF
  • 8
    VDHG - Vanguard Diversified High Growth Index ETF
  • 8
    DHHF - BetaShares Diversified All Growth ETF
  • 8
    IVV - iShares Core S&P 500 ETF
  • 0
    VDAL - Vanguard


  • +8

    Not sure I would be entering shares at this point.

    Pop it into high interest account and come back in 26.

    (Or, if you go in now, anticipate a 15-20 year long hold)

    • +7

      Not sure why you're getting downvoted. Doesn't matter whether Trump is right or not, markets don't like trade wars and I too am considering staying away from the market for another 4-6 months at least. Russians are going to go at Ukraine and Europe harder, Trump is going to try taking over Greenland and China just announced they are integrating with Taiwan. We're in for a bumpy 2025.

      • Yeah Im not even referring to the political aspects (although, obviously, that has an economic impact and there's clear motivation in the US to see adjustments).

        There are simply too many indicators in the US markets that have it past peak. And whilst the ASX might appear reasonably ok (CAPE today was 24.55), if the S&P dives, then it's irrelevant what we're doing.

        Additionally, overall, no, the ASX hasnt been doing that hot this last 6 months.

        So, on that basis, I would be more conservative if I was starting out.

        *not advice, go pay for a legit AFSL 🔮

      • With the mid-terms not happening until next year, I dare say Trump isn't too concerned with market performance for 2025 and is happy to let things remain rocky. 2026 is where he'll aim to stabilise the markets back down in preparation for the mid-terms, but he has well over 18 months before they come around so it's not a concern for the immediate future.

      • Not sure why you're getting downvoted

        I didn't downvote, but time in the market and not timing the market might be the answer….

        • +1

          @Benoffie did mention it’s fine for long term investment. I just feel safer with an HISA at the moment. Maybe start dca later this year? Not sure

    • -1

      "Pop it into high interest account and come back in 26."

      Know you of such an account?
      Term deposits are around 4% atm

      • +2

        Why would you ever put it in a term deposit while savings accounts offer over 5% with little to no downsides? There are 15+ over 5%

        • +1

          because the term dep provide peace of mind and guaranteed locked rate for x period.
          saving a/c now 5% next week could be 4.75 next month could be 4.00

          • @CyberMurning: Fair but the market only expects the rate to drop another .6% over the next 18 months. I wouldn't expect lenders to drop it any more than that (maybe .25% extra at most) as many of them need the funds to keep their debt to equity lower to write more loans.

        • -1

          Sure, but 5% is hardly 'high interest' either.

          • @EightImmortals: Not much point taking a lower rate when both are effectively risk free. 1% returns over your entire working life will make a significant difference.

    • +1

      I agree with Benoffie.

      Should my previous comments be downvoted due to their contentious history with the individual I was addressing, I would like to reiterate that the majority of participants on OzBargain are likely to be incorrect in their market predictions this year. Especially since all the recommendations are Long ETFs… I suspect a lot of people are going to get burnt and have to lodge capital losses this financial year due to a lack of risk management and foresight into the markets.

      So far Trump has turned out nothing like what people expected.

      I wish we could share the "Expectation vs. Reality" meme, as it perfectly encapsulates the current market situation.

  • +3

    poll needs DHHF

    • Added

      • Care to add the odd-ball BBOZ. I am curious to observe the sentiment on OzBargain and to gauge how many professional traders and investors may be lurking on here.

  • +1

    u100 and iwld

  • +3

    What would be the recommendation for ETF recommendation in 2025?

    How can someone answer this with zero info on your risk profile, timeline , $ investment size, investment avenue (eg out of super, in super etc)


    -My regular dca buys are dhff because it takes 1 min, requires zero thought, I can do it in my lunch break, and zero fees via CMC

    -My regular direct debits are vgs/vas via vanguard

    -My super is heading towards vts/veu/vas

    -My old dca buys used to be vdhg before dhff gained some love

    Assuming you don't actually know what you want, something like dhff is hard to argue with for a zero thought, minimal effort, lower risk of 'tinkering' option.
    Main goal (which I wish I had started many years earlier) should be pick a plan, stick to it, regular ongoing contributions, and then look back in a decade or two and thank your earlier ozbargain self for the $

    • Thanks for sharing. Very useful.

  • Vanguard

  • +1


    • Added

  • +4

    I'd go BGBL. Basically low cost version of VGS by 0.1% which is a fair margin.

    • +2

      Yeah spot on.
      BGBL has a management fee of 0.08%.
      VGS has a management fee of 0.18%.
      (Benchmark: MSCI World ex-Australia)

  • QUAL deserves a shout

  • Right now European market ETF's are going well.
    I would be going with Global X Euro STOXX 50 ETF (ESTX).
    As per the Global X performance for this ETF for 1 year (13.97% p.a), 3 year (22.52% p.a), and 5 year (11.90% p.a).

    For longer term investing you should have more global exposure (VGS or similar).

  • +1

    all-in ASX.MIN

    • I would advise caution in taking anything Gdsamp asserts too seriously.

      Consider how he dismissed my comments in the previous thread regarding the RBA rate cut, and compare that with the current position of the ASX. Was that truly priced in?

      It is apparent that many individuals on OzBargain may be somewhat misinformed about the real economic situation, but this can be advantageous, as it essentially facilitates a transfer of wealth from less informed participants to those that are the smart money.

      Thus far, the standout performer this year has undeniably been BBOZ, particularly since the rate cuts.

      I am somewhat surprised that this particular asset isn’t more widely recognised, though it seems that most of the more bearish individuals are utilising futures and other derivatives to take advantage of the drop in the ASX which I suspect will continue further into this year.

  • BGBL and chill. But in saying that, personally I'm just watching for the next 3-6 months, waiting for much of the volatility to dissipate, a bottom has been potentially reached, and the economic outlook is clearer. The volatility can be good for trading, but I wouldn't recommend this for a first time investor.

  • -1


  • -2

    Invest in a dog-themed crypto coin a few hours after it goes public. Sell 1 week later for 1000 times the price you bought it for.

  • Performance over what time frame? I can tell you that isn't the top ones that's for sure (that said rarely do the top performers in one year continue performing in the next)

    • Can say since Jan 2024

  • just pick a stock that will 5x this year and buy that one

  • +2

    Another question - what platform do you guys use ? Moomoo, Vanguard, Superhero, Stake and whatever else is out there…

    • +3


    • +2

      CMC Market for dca buys.
      CHESS sponsored with $1k/day/stock or etf for $0 fees is hard to pass

    • +2

      eTorro, they have a virtual investing where you can have a play and invest fake money if you want to learn with no risk.

      They also have a copy trader function which is where you invest $x and it will automatically replicate someone else's portfolio and trades.

      FWIW I invested in the VOO ETF in August last year, that is currently only 4.81% up.

      • Looking to sign up etoro to try the virtual investing, do they have a referral scheme? If so, looking to sign up with referral :)

  • There is a typo in the poll options. The correct code is VDHG for Vanguard Diversified High Growth Index ETF.

    • Fixed

  • +1

    Worth adding VDAL which is Vanguard improved version of VDHG (removes the 10% bonds allocation and increase the equities exposure)

    Better for people wanting more exposure to equities.

    • Added

    • +1

      Time to start buying VDAL over VDHG going forward

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