JAYO 3D Printer Filaments: Buy 6, Get 4 Free (Add 10 to Cart): 10x 1.1kg PETG Black/White A$117.12 Delivered @ JAYO-3D eBay

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The official 20% eBay discount has started.10 rolls of JAYO PETG (black and white, buy 6 get 4 free) on eBay for 117.12 AUD, which works out to 10.64 AUD per kg. It’s a decent price. For PLA, it’s 131.90 AUD for 10 rolls, and other materials have good prices too. Just add 10 rolls to your cart, then enter the coupon code at checkout. No extra steps needed.
Remote areas cannot buy and other non-remote areas are free shipping.

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  • +3

    better order another 40kg some of the best petg ive ever used.

  • +1


    If we don’t get washed away I will order next week…

  • Wish these guys bloody shipped to Darwin, would buy a bunch

  • +1

    "Item doesn't post to you"

    Great. Yes, I am metro.

  • Should I just use PETG? I've been printing with PLA and have been happy with the results. A quick search suggests that PETG has slightly better strength (I don't need stronger prints) but is a bit harder to print with. Will my A1 have any trouble printing this material?

    • +3

      Should have no trouble printing PETG with an A1. Honestly, the only issue I've had printing petg on an ender 3 / K1C / A1 is it's more prone to stringing. Making sure the filament is dry helps with this though.

      PLA is actually pretty strong, the main differences is that PLA snaps whereas PETG is more likely to bend. PETG also has a higher tolerance to heat before it starts to deform (PLA around 60deg vs PETG around 80deg) known as the glass transition temperature

      If you are interested in printing some things that can bend/flex and not snap, or if you want to use it somewhere that gets hot, then grab some PETG but you don't need to replace PLA other than in those circumstances.

      • Cheers for the info! I might wait until I find a deal on a few of rolls—I don’t have the space to stockpile filament I won't actually go through.

    • +1

      PETG as a minimum for anything that's permanently in the sun.

    • I have a1 mini and petg performed better for large surface/thin walls case for my ams lite. Pla was warping, forcing the edge of the model to come off the plate. Petg has way more stringing for me, but i havent tweaked with presets that much.

  • +7

    All the Sunlu / Jayo stores (that I'm aware of). Compare prices and shipping to your heart's content. Some deliver to WA etc, some don't even though they all appear to ship from the same place

    • Appreciate this list, sadly no dice on any of them for me.

  • Thoughts on this vs Sunlu?

    PETG x10 $126
    PLA x10 $148
    PLA+ x10 $142

  • +1

    10x PETG Orange or Grey for $101 is very tempting, thanks OP.

    • Grabbed 10 of the grey, thanks.

    • Where is that!?

      • This deal. The OP only quoted the prices for the most expensive PETG (Black/White) and PLA filaments. Check all the colours, Orange/Grey and a few others are $21.14each.
        10x for 6 x $21.14 = $126.84. 20% coupon drops that to $101.47 :-D

        I've only seen cheaper than $10.1 a roll on AliExpress with a price error (10x instead of 5x priced at ~$78)

  • Thanks OP, running unexpectedly low and have a big order from Alibaba incoming in 1.5 months, so this will hold me down until then haha.

  • Is it me or did they add new PETG colours too?

    • Indeed they have, nice to see they are still expanding their range.

      Though I find Sidd's matte PETG - if the limited colour selection matches what you want - is a lot nicer looking if you don't want that glossy PETG look. Obviously nowhere near this deal price if you need to add shipping.

      • Yeah I recently got a shipment from him but I'm also in WA so it hurts a bit more.

        Generally speaking I'm pretty basic with colours so it's never been much of a factor but sidd has some cools ones I had to try

  • Great, I can finally get (by printing) a Lego Classic Spaceman in green!

  • 10 x PLA Matte Grey @ $114.80 is a good deal as well.


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