Tropical Cyclone Alfred SE Queensland

SE Queensland is expecting a cyclone to possibly make landfall on Wed-Thurs. At the moment it’s predicted to hit as a cat 1 or cat 2 but maybe end up as just a tropical low. Anyway for anyone who lives here or visiting:

Gold Coast
Gold Coast has three sandbag stations will be open from 8am to 5pm Monday at the following locations:
196 Old Pacific Highway, Pimpama (next to the City of Gold Coast Coomera Depot)
42-44 Boyd Street, Bilinga (next to the City of Gold Coast Tugun Depot)
61 Hutchinson Street, Burleigh Heads (at the Reedy Creek Waste and Recycling Centre)

Moreton bay (thanks @sam-1966)…

The trams are also down the morning on GC with buses apparently on the way.
Keep up to date via ABC Radio and local SES pages. If anyone has any useful info or pictures please post in the comments.


  • +11

    Stay safe everyone in SEQ. Remember to never drive through flooded roads. NEVER.

  • Interesting that they know the route of the cyclone will almost completely reverse direction on Tuesday. I wonder how confident that prediction is.

    • +1

      The boss must have drawn the edit in with a sharpie

      • -1

        Just how stupid are Americans?

        • +1

          I've run out of words to describe the stupidity of them…..

  • +1

    Everyone stay safe and please don't do anything stupid. Just hunker down somewhere safe until is passes. Best of luck people.

  • +5

    apparently a bit of a frenzy going on with people loading up on bottled water / tp / meats / eggs (???) / eskys / torches

    me: drowning in torches from all the ozbargain deals

    • +1
      • +1

        Me: I bet it’s the sausage gif


        Hahahaha so good

    • Which is kinda crazy as if the power goes out, (which is highly likely) it’s all going to go off if it needs to be refrigerated, especially the meat. And realistically how much TP are you going to use in 24hrs.

      • I guess tp fair game… not gonna expire

        The rest yeah…

        I regret not doing the weekly shop on Saturday like I normally do - just passed the shops and it’s absolutely chockers - like I only see it that full during the week leading up to Christmas kinda chockers

        • +1

          Shops were quiet on the weekend too, even Sunday, and we’ve know this cyclone is coming for a while now. I guess everyone went to work and got hyped up with fomo panic.

          • @morse: Yeah it’s funny. The more I talked to clients today and the more you talk to people the thought in back of head starts to form like uh oh… it HAS Been some time since I went up on the roof to inspect gutters and downpipes…and we don’t have a 4 month stockpile of meat… hmm

            Some dads in their little group at the school pickup were comparing their water stockpiles, bathtubs of water, buckets, esky’s of water and they were planning to hit Bunnings after to grab some more containers/eskys - I’m just listening like… hang on isn’t this only supposed to last a few days…

      • Power? On the bright side any coastal nuclear plant would go full blown Fukushima in an event like that. Another reason to count our blessings.

  • +2

    Bottled water is the new TP! Pulled into the carpark to see almost everyone loading water into their cars.
    Some people had entire trolley full of bottled water. NUTS.

    • +2

      Hydro homies unite

    • What are you going to drink if the public water system gets shut off or contaminated?

      • +1


        • Exactly!
          That's Un-a-strayan.

      • +1

        with the amount of deals here probably coconut water

        • -1

          More like peanut water in QLD

          • @Protractor: sorry don't get it

            we already have the Brisbane river for that if you are referring to the colour

            • @Poor Ass: Really?

              • @Protractor: I suspect you are making a Joh comment?

                • @try2bhelpful: I mean it is the peanut state. Not the coconut state.Kingaroy would be aghast

                  • @Protractor: Between Joh and Russ my god how corrupt was that state? They said Queensland didn’t have daylight saving because the sun shone out of Joh’s arse and he wasn’t getting up an hour earlier for anyone.

                    • +1

                      @try2bhelpful: LOL.
                      Russ Hinze. What a flash back.Not in a good way.
                      QLD was effectively a separate political area back then. JBP just ignored the federation and constitution.
                      I think he was a money printing kind of genius.

      • +3

        You can fill containers around the house with water from the taps beforehand and fill the bath with water.

      • +1

        Just prefill containers rather than buying.

    • +3

      Some people forget they have taps at home that cost them ~$5 per 1000 litres. Much cheaper than the bottled stuff at the shops: ~$700 per 1000 litres!

      • +2

        why waste money on water bills. i imagine you'll be able to put a 10L bucket outside and it will fill within the hour with the amount of rain forecast

        • -1

          Might be a tad contaminated by all the shit blowing around, perhaps including your containers.

        • Rain'll be going sideways, as will bucket

  • +2

    Here's a link to locations to get sandbags in the Moreton Bay City Council area:…

  • Predicted path

    4pm on 4 march seems to be the moment of truth

  • i wonder what is going to happen to all the homeless tent cities

    • Moreton Bay Council dream come true.

      • If anything there'll be more homeless afterwards. Hopefully the whole council gets to wear those shoes.

  • According to Reddit as of 20 min ago:

    For anyone in the BCC area planning on getting sandbags, Newmarket, Lota and Zillmere have all run out for the time being

  • +2

    Tuesday and Wednesday are normally my go-to-the-office days but we've been told we can work from home those days as well this week. Thanks Alfie!

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