Costco - Online vs In-Store Prices

Do Costco stores price match with their own online store price prices?

There are a couple of items I’m looking to get and they seem to be cheaper online than in store. Talking to one guy in store he says they don’t do that but I’m not sure he has the right info.

Anyone had experience with this?

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  • +1

    They should give you a price adjustment, but you'll need to check with local store.…

  • +2

    Sometimes they say online store only prices. Just order online the price includes delivery.

  • +3

    They dont do it. as warehouse and online store are managed by different teams.
    Found this out myself when I need to buy some light globes which had a sale price.

    • +2

      This is how the term 'light bulb moment' originated.

  • +1

    Do Costco stores price match with their own online store price prices?

    I mean you had been in-store anyhow, so could have went to the front customer service desk and asked.

    But why not just order online? Costco has 'free' shipping on most things.

    • Not sure if you read the blurb, but I did talk to them and they said no. But the one I spoke to did not seem knowledgable so…

      • Not sure if you read the blurb, but I did talk to them and they said no

        I did, but you didn't say if you went to the front desk and asked customer service, you said you spoke to a random worker 'in store' who NFI, so as I said. Try the CS desktop.

        Anyhow, why not just order it online for delivery?

  • I've tried multiple times and always get told no.

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