Engaged Motorscout https://www.motorscout.com.au/ (New Car broker)
They were honestly a bit painful to deal with. When they weren't sending through any bids under the RRP for the car I wanted I sent an email saying I'm willing to buy if you can just get me $1000 off. To this they closed my enquiry and when I asked them what was going on they said they didn't want to waste my time as no dealers were offering discounts on that model. They then called me a day later and said that one dealer was willing to selling at $1000 below RRP but at this stage was not happy with motorscouts communication and service and passed.
My Question: does anyone know what commission Motorscout earn - this will will guide my own negoatiations. I assume its in the realm of $500 to $1000?
Why do you need to know? Either you negotiate or use someone else service? If you think you can do better, no need to use their service. Service costs money and money that you are willing to pay to save your time and effort.