Cost Efficient Way to Replace Mobile Screen (Broken)

Hey folks

My son broke the screen of my Galaxy S22 Ultra and I am wondering what the cheapest and yet quality/safe way is to get it fixed.

Have you done a DIY project on this? where did you buy the screen from? Or is that too risky?



  • +6

    Probably cost around $400+, chepear to upgrade or second hand?

  • Could you possibly find a replacement s23-s24 ultra second hand for around $600.00 .

    • does my current broken phone have any value then? i.e. can I sell it for anything?

      • Yes, probably use it as bonus trade in for next samsung deal :)

        • Haha, I tried to get an assessment on that. It is worth like $40 for trade-in.
          I was thinking if someone buys it for part for a higher price, maybe an ebay auction or something like that.

          • @ksaff: Yeah but key is bonus… $40+bonus :)

            • @boomramada: yeah, fair enough.

              • @ksaff: $40 for a unit with a broken screen is regrettably a decent price. No doubt, goes to asurion, sent overseas and refurbished using cheaper labour. Everyone has to make a profit and resell somewhere.


  • +1

    Samsung charge $575 to replace the screen on a S22 Ultra. Check your contents insurance if it is covered. It's certainly not worth fixing at that price.…

    • Do people really claim insurance for these type of things. Excess / + increase in premiums going for the next 5 years..

  • My son broke the screen of my Galaxy S22 Ultra

    Why would he do that?

    • I don't know that, I got shocked. My phone was on the bed and I had my head turned around for 1-2 minutes and found the screen was smashed, suddenly.
      He is just 2 yrs and was play with something, I guess he probably hit the corner of my screen with that toy. So, unlucky but lessons learnt.

      • I'd get him to pay for it.

        • +1

          Take it out of the 2025 Xmas present budget? Or Inheritance?

          • +2

            @boomramada: both, it's an S22 Ultra…

            Also, do chores. Mowing lawn, vacuuming, washing dog, bringing beer from the fridge…

            • +1

              @jv: Yeah, make bringing beer from the fridge for week.

              • +2

                @boomramada: he is just 2 lol
                plus I don't drink beer that much, haha
                probably should take out of inheritance ;)

                • +1

                  @ksaff: Ah, just you be here saying.. my son crack the TV screen :)

                  BTW, two is a great age to teach your kid to put beer cap in bin before your misses go, "your mum isn't here to clean your mess" , as he won't do it when he is 5 LOL

        • +2

          JV , "you've done it again".

  • +2

    Aliexpress have sellers who sell used condition screens for as low as $50.

    They are usually scratch and/or have black/dead lcd patches.

    More expensive means less issues/defects

    • Just buy the new ones from Aliexpress, they're not much more than that

  • -3

    There isn't any cost effective way to replace a mobile phone screen. The screen is the mobile more than any other part of it. What you have to do is avoid breaking it. And if you can't do that, don't buy a mobile that costs so much. Its the old saying, don't bet what you can't afford to lose.

  • +3

    I don't know about that particular model but I have replaced three screens over the years from Oneplus and Apple phones; each time I bought a thirdparty replacement from Aliexpress (find one that has been bought many times and read the reviews very carefully to buy only excellent quality!). Then I followed a tutorial from IFixIt or similar. They all worked out great and very very cheaply. Likewise for replacing batteries. Helps to buy a decent spudger and suction cup set for about $5-$10.

  • +++ invest in a screen protector next time.

    have dropped phones multiple times +++ even accidently driven over my mobile phone with a 1.8 TONNE mobile plant equipment (4 or so years ago).
    it certainly breaks the screen protector (and need replacing again) - but phone was still 100%.

    only 1 time from 2008'ish … have I actually physically cracked the actual screen.
    and that was from - dropping it when getting into car … but must have hit on a "sweet spot" of rough ashfelt - as went right through screen protector to screen of phone.

  • Maybe when you update your phone, buy a heavier duty case and screen protector.
    Otherwise a Cat

    I had a now ex wife who never respected items, until the last time I saw her. She would throw things like laptops, phones, tablets on the floor. She was 46. Hopefully she realised the value of taking care of things when I left her.

    • actually … have noticed - ppl these days are going for a more of a "hard shell" style …

      which used to be sourced from online Asian markets (going back 5+ years ago).
      Perhaps they were onto something.

  • You can do it yourself i did for my sons motorola but the diy videos often leave out small important details. I had to wait for a small ribbon connection when i damaged it because that detail was left out.

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