Port Number out Whilst Keeping Plan (Perhaps with Automatic New Number Assigned)

I have a Boost SIM that expires mid March that still has 70 GB on it.

I want to port that number to a new SIM/plan whilst keeping the old 70GB data plan, perhaps getting a new automatically assigned number which I don't care what it is. Is that possible?

Do I have to contact Boost mobile support before porting?

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  • +2

    Do I have to contact Boost mobile support before porting?

    ask them, there is no way with the portal to do this, even then they might not be able to do this at level 1 support.

  • I want to port that number to a new SIM/plan whilst keeping the old 70GB data plan

    Was it a 365 prepaid plan or is there some really old boost plan that grants you 70gb of data per month?

  • +1

    Is that possible?


  • When you port, your old number is removed from the old providers network.
    If you change the number on the current sim, the old number is gone.. But what you COULD do, is request a new service and request for that number as it's supposed to go into quarantine for up to 12 months (depending on the reason) https://www.acma.gov.au/disconnected-numbers-reclaim-your-ph…

    • -1

      Thanks for the link but….

      Reclaim your phone number from a telco | ACMA

      A telco may remove a number from quarantine and reissue the number if you are the former customer

      The keyword is may. As OMGJL said elsewhere that's too risky.

  • +2

    all that trouble and doggy practice with the risk of losing your primary number etc for 70GB of data?

    • +3

      Yes, OP may still keep buying giftcard after losing $500 somewhere.

      • What crack are you on @Neoika ? What's that got to do with my question?

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