Could I Please Have Feedback on Energy Locals for Electricity & Gas Supply

Hi :)

Could I please get feedback on Energy Locals for Electricity & Gas Supply? (as I am considering changing to them from Origin).

What I am after is what they are like to deal with, & if they increase their rates shortly after you sign up?
or any other Unpleasant experiences (if any),

If you use them as a supplier, how long you have used them & what is your experience?

Good experiences will also be appreciated.

Thank you very much,

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Energy Locals
Energy Locals


  • +1

    This is what you need

    Don't think providers has locking contract but they have deals, ie you get bonus if you connected to x time, and some price match.

    Yeah price can go up after sign up.

    • Thank you for your suggestion :), I have already done that (& their rates are good), so now I am now looking for feedack on them

      • +1

        They used to have a membership charge on top of the rates.. They may have stopped that now, but just double check.

        • Thank you :)
          Yes, they still seem to have the membership in one of the plans AFAIK

  • +2

    if they increase their rates shortly after you sign up?

    Then churn, it's very little effort to move away

    • I am asking because some suppliers in the past have advertised very good rates to get customers to sign up, and then increase the rates shortly thereafter. :(

      • +2

        Yes, and if that is the case, just move to another provider. Rinse and repeat.

      • +1

        yes, some are scummy like that and there's no way to know in advance who will/won't do it. We only have one choice and that is to churn

  • +1

    You sound keen George. Just switch. If you don't like them - switch again. Too easy. It's probably quicker to switch providers than it was to type your question.

  • +1

    just avoid engie

    • Thank you Very Much. Good info :)

    • +1

      Oddly, I've been with Engie for 2 months and am pleasantly surprised with the customer service & responsiveness to address problems.

      Sure, their usage rates are quite high but I can afford the $1/month I use. My daily supply charge went from 80c with AGL to $1.20 with Engie which is nuts but they pay me $1.33/day for the right to access my batteries (which they haven't done yet).

      While the financial outcomes are beneficial to me I'll stick with them.

  • +1

    In regard to electricity prices you can read about the Cartel's next move on July 1 here:…

    If you have Solar PV, forget about the FIT

    • Thank you for the info :)

  • +1

    If you are with ausgrid watch out for demand charge because last time I checked energy local still used that, despite the bigger guys already dumped that model.

    • Thank you for the warning

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